Thursday, April 2, 2015


What’s most interesting is that, if the current status of the negotiation between the U.S. its allies and Iran is carefully analyzed, no real gain has been accomplished whatsoever. 
Jay Solomon, Laurence Norman and Carol E. Lee report in the The Wall Street Journal that, “Diplomats involved in Wednesday’s talks said they remained stalled on two main points: the pace at which international sanctions on Iran would be scaled back and the future scope of Iran’s nuclear research and development. Washington and its partners are also pressing Iran for greater access to its nuclear sites.”
Which means that, after all this time, the key issues causing the negotiations in the first place are still unchanged and will likely remain to be, regardless.
At the same time, while opinion rapidly increases against the U.S. providing Iran any leeway at all in nuclear development, “University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato tells us what Barack Obama has done to the Democratic Party, as follows:
"However, it is Barack Obama who holds the modern record for overall losses, at least through 2014. President Obama has presided over two devastating midterms for his party. From 2008 to the present, Democrats in the Obama era have racked up net forfeitures of 11 governorships, 13 Senate seats, 69 House seats, 913 state legislative seats, and 30 state legislative chambers. In the latter three categories, Obama has doubled (or more) the average two-term presidential loss from Truman through Bush.”
So, while the president continues to let personal ideology supersede constituents needs and desires, party support has taken a back seat across key issues, such as foreign policy, health care, the environment and the economy. Which means that, unless they somehow or other politically harm themselves, almost all Republican presidential hopefuls stand an excellent chance at regaining the White House in 2016. Because the president is handing it to them.
The daily update on Bill Clinton’s wife is a good one for her. Because, as of right now anyway, she hasn’t shot herself in the foot yet politically today. In fact, even Lois Lerner got some good news, whereas the Justice Department won’t be pursuing her abuse of office any further. Which confirms that for Democrats, pleading the 5th is always their best alternative.
That’s it for today folks.

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