Saturday, August 25, 2012

BloggeRhythms 8/25/2012

Last night, Sean Hannity had a panel of nine or ten folks who voted for the incumbent last time, but have changed their minds for this time around. I only caught the last fifteen minutes or so of the show, but picked up the gist pretty quickly.  For the most part, it came down to the economy and the disastrous effects it’s had on those I heard speak. 

What made the most dramatic effect on me, however, was that while several panelists spoke of hardships now encountered: job losses, business closings, higher costs and continual decisions faced as to whether to buy food or fuel while living from paycheck to paycheck and in danger of losing their no longer affordable homes, video clips flashed alongside showing various luxurious vacations, trips, outings and golfing excursions enjoyed by the incumbent and his family. The difference was, stark, dramatic and vivid, clearly illustrating how out of touch the incumbent seems with reality, a point clearly having a negative impact on the panelists.

I also thought the panel's timing interesting because it appeared on the same day, Friday, that I’d earlier posted a long entry regarding the typical Dem trait of total hypocrisy. Because, despite all their noise of concern for those less fortunate, the bulk of it is lip service, hype, mirrors and smoke whereas with all their claimed concern about economic disparity, they actually do very little about it. 

And that last point was confirmed for me this morning, when I read an article in the The Wall Street Journal’s, Review & Outlook on-line.

According to the WSJ, “In January 2009, the month President Obama entered the Oval Office and shortly before he signed his stimulus spending bill, median household income was $54,983. By June 2012, it had tumbled to $50,964, adjusted for inflation. That's $4,019 in lost real income, a little less than a month's income every year.”

They continue with “Unfair, you say, because Mr. Obama inherited a recession? Well, even if you start the analysis when the recession ended in June 2009, the numbers are dismal. Three years after the economy hit its trough, median household income is down $2,544, or nearly 5%.,“ and "The overall decline since June 2009 was larger than the 2.6 percent decline that occurred" during the recession from December 2007 to June 2009. For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession.” 

The article then lists in detail reasons for the dismal results which I’ve listed below.

"The big pay freeze is also the bitter fruit of public schools that have failed to teach the basic skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a competitive global economy. Rising health-care costs have also forced employers to take money that used to go into higher wages to pay higher premiums. 
A key driver of higher wages in the 1980s and 1990s was a surge of capital investment in computers, plant and equipment, which made Americans workers more productive. When Mr. Obama pledges to raise taxes on investment income (capital gains, dividends and small-business profits), he is making it costlier to innovate and modernize. That plays out over time into slower gains in productivity and wages. 
America's corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrial world. A 2011 study by economists at the American Enterprise Institute found that because of the capital flight from the U.S. as a result of this high rate, "every additional dollar of tax revenue [from the corporate tax] leads to a $4 decrease in aggregate real wages." 
And lastly, “Mr. Obama also likes to say that government workers like teachers are hurting and the private economy is doing "just fine." But the data indicate that over the past three years households with government workers saw their incomes decline less than households with private workers. The public-private pay gap is now wider than ever ($77,998 government versus $63,800). "
So, here again we have a respectable source of information (WSJ) doing the research to establish that, in fact, the typical and constant Dem rhetoric regarding the economy is not only false, but their ideas and policies are far more just harmful, they’re disastrous. However, as horrendous as the situation is that they've created, what makes it far worse is that they're such hypocritical liars to boot.

That’s it for today folks.


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