Yesterday I mentioned the suspected offering of the VP slot next time around to Hillary. As stated, I did so because I thought that was a distinct possibility some time ago, when Willy softened his critiques of the incumbent whereas I could see no other reason for Willy’s change of heart toward someone he seems to despise.
Then yesterday evening, I came across Larry Sabato talking to Neil Cavuto on Fox News. Sabato’s a political scientist and analyst and the Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia and director of its Center for Politics.
During their conversation, Sabato made the point that he thought by now, regardless of what anyone else says, 95% of those who will actually vote next November have already made their selections and therefore all the advertising, smoke and hype is directed to only about five percent whom are truly still undecided.
I mention this today because I’ve been saying the exact same thing for months now and don’t believe there are even that many folks whom are still wavering. Because if they really are still undecided, they must be living under some kind of rocks and have completely missed the past three and a half years altogether.
So, it seems to me that both candidates can keep throwing their money away on ads, promotion and the like, but I doubt it will have any effect. Because today voters know too much, have been greatly affected themselves, either way, and most important of all: anyone who’d believe or be swayed by anything said in any kind of ad, speech or debate is too dumb to even find the booth on election day, much less figure out which lever to push.
As for me, I certainly don’t know who’s going to win the coming election and wouldn’t know where to begin obtaining the required data to make any kind of viable predication. But as sure as I’m sitting here typing, unless there’s some kind of cosmic event that results in massive changes of heart, voters minds are long ago made up and all that remains to be seen is the actual count itself.
That’s it for today folks.
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