Friday, August 10, 2012

BloggeRhythms 8/10/2012

A headline on Drudge this morning, sent me to an article by Pat Buchanan on WND Commentary.

According to Buchanan: “In an ad produced by the super PAC Priorities USA, Mitt Romney is charged with moral, if not material, complicity in the cancer death of the wife of a Missouri steelworker.

Speaking straight into the camera, Joe Soptic, 62, charges Romney with coldly shutting down the plant where he worked and cutting off his health insurance. This, says Soptic, left his wife without insurance to pay for her care, until, falling ill, she went to a doctor, who discovered stage 4 cancer, which killed her in 22 days.

Soptic implies a causal connection between Romney’s decision to shut the plant and his wife’s death.”

Buchanan goes on to write that “the ad is a premeditated attempt to murder the reputation of Mitt Romney. And from start to finish, it is a deception.” He then lays out a time-line establishing that Romney wasn’t even employed by Bain when the alleged incident took place, and that Soptic’s wife also lost her own job somewhere else which provided health care coverage as well. Buchanan then lists additional information illustrating that the entire story presented in the ad is false.

Now, I’ve not seen the ad, nor know nothing about it directly. But regardless, I have a different take on the premise. Because if people truly believe that businesses have a responsibility to remain open when they cannot sustain, or choose to close for other reasons, and those same people also believe that closures are responsible for future events affecting displaced personnel…then it seems to me that the current administration is responsible for any future health care issues, including any unfortunate deaths, of those who’ve lost their jobs due to it’s total mishandling of the nation’s economy altogether.  

Thus in this ad we have yet another example of total incompetents in office who have nothing even remotely positive to say about themselves and, consequently, must scrounge, sift through the sludge, and grasp any straw they can find to disparage their competition. But what’s truly most remarkable about today's particular subject is that, due to his horrendous new health care tax, if you apply Dem logic, the incumbent himself will cause the losses of either insurance coverage or jobs altogether for millions upon millions of folks in the future which in turn will kill how many others?

Unfortunately, the answer to that one will be off the charts. 

That’s it for today folks.


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