Thursday, August 2, 2012

BloggeRhythms 8/2/2012

It seems that mayors from four large American cities, among many others, got a lesson in what free choice is all about yesterday, as well as a reminder regarding the 1st Amendment’s guarantees in that regard. And the whole issue arose because of fried chicken.

Dan Cathy, CEO of a company called Chick-fil-A, came under fire recently in some circles for opposing same-sex marriage. And because of his beliefs, Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, Tom Menino of Boston, Luke Ravenstahl of Pittsburgh as well as Edwin Lee of San Francisco head a long list of mayors claiming they were outraged by Cathy’s position, even indicating that the company be forced out of business. 
Then along came Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, who suggested that Wednesday, August 1st be proclaimed as  "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day."
And from today’s news reports, it seems that the results of Huckabee’s idea were absolutely overwhelming, whereas folks lined up in droves at hundreds of Chick-fil-A stores all over the nation, sometimes waiting for hours to be served due to the crowds.
So, I think the lesson here to be learned by those in office is that the world’s made up of folks who have differing opinions on almost every subject imaginable. And that the job of those in public office isn’t to impose beliefs of their own, or what particular segments of their voting base tell them, on their constituents. 
These '”officials” primary job is to maintain law and order, adhere to a budget, and otherwise get out of productive folks ways. And as far as their, or their special interest groups, issues are concerned they can wrap them up in a tight tube…and then shove them up their own tails.  
That’s it for today folks.

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