Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Realizing that today’s one that got away without posting, was going to forget about it. And then scanning the news just now, came across something by Matt Leach @foxnews.com that’s well-worth reading as it is.

The short article begins: “Voters in New Mexico told Fox News that education and the economy are top priorities going into the 2022 election.

"My priorities are to get out of this financial situation that we’re in right now," said Scott, a teacher in Albuquerque. "I buy the groceries in my house, it’s considerably higher right now than it was two years ago."

"New Mexico went to President Biden by 11 points in 2020. The state’s governor and both senators are Democrats.

"Salomar, who has young children, told Fox News she would vote Democrat if the election was today, but wants to see education reform. "Making more programs for the students, and daycare as well, and more opportunities for students, like mothers wanting to go back to school."

"Gale, a graduate student, told Fox News her top priorities are public safety and civic and ethical responsibility. But she said voting stresses her out. "I’m one thing on my voters card, but sometimes it is conflicting because not all the people in that party hold the ideals that I do, and not all the people in the other party hold the ideals I do" Gale said. "I wish there was like a way for me to vote my conscience," she continued.

While all of those quoted in the article intend to vote Democrat, it was in the reader’s comments following the piece that significant voter knowledge became apparent, as follows:

stevie60759 commented: “And the country is going in the wrong direction, and they are still going to vote for the same people that double down on these same policies. They are asking for government to step in and take control over their lives. It is apparent that is what they want. Federal government control of education and health care. Free Free Free. That is what the people voting for these democrats want and they believe it is their right to this free stuff. When they say more opportunities and more programs, they want it all free.”

714 Likes followed.

commonscents028 added: “And they believe that if it is given to them by the government, it is free. They don't realize that the government doesn't have any money, except that which they take from people and corporations. It's amazing how much we have to pay for FREE stuff!!!”

272 Likes followed

theangryone wrote: “You hit the nail right on the head. These people think if the government provides it, it's free. They have no idea what it will cost them in the long run in taxes. The one woman in the article speaks about child care for working moms. It's because she doesn't want to lay for day care herself. But what she doesn't get is that she's only be paying the day care for a few years. If government provides it, her taxes will go up forever.”

roknrolover posted: “I seriously doubt that these people pay any taxes at all. Child tax credits and other perks mean they receive a"refund check" without paying a penny.”

hebrews commented “No, almost 50% of the people live on some form of Government Assistance. They don't pay taxes and don't care how much others have to pay to support them. The Democrats have let 2 million more people who will live off the taxpayers cross the Southern Border. I don't see any Doctors, Lawyers or Engineers coming across the Border. Only people with a ton of kids wanting to be supported by American Taxpayers. The Democrats are like China, They're playing the long game and Republicans are only looking to the next election. And the American people are going to lose the country.”

heliosjim posted: “One person wanted "more opportunities for moms to go back to school." If she wants to go back to school, what's stopping her? And why just women? Anyone who wants to go back to school can find many ways to pay for it, if he or she is a good student. Don't make the rest of us pay for it.”

hellsbells1 followed: Right. The government isn’t a business. It doesn’t sell a darn thing to generate revenue. It takes money from its citizens to generate revenue. if it were a business, we’d have a choice whether to buy or not it’s products. But we don’t have that choice. So anything given out that is “free” by the government, costs us all for that freebie…we had no choice.”

1stamendmentinnystate added: “Yes, that is the same argument for student loan forgiveness and free college. The proponents never go to the second part of it that explains who will pay for it. The banks will get their money back and someone will pay them. Guess who?”

realistnotracist threw in an offhand but well-earned addition: “It's been pretty cold in Massachusetts, the other day I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets.”

What’s most interesting about the item itself is not so much the specific subject matter, but the awareness and intelligence of those who posted the types of comments that followed. Because they not only illustrate voter acumen, they are the same type of reactions articles gained when Trump won last time around.

That’s it for today folks.


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