Following up on yesterday’s post, it seems Putin’s now begun moving troops into rebel-held areas in eastern Ukraine, perhaps meaning he’s decided to proceed with efforts to reclaim the nation for the Kremlin. That, however, does not necessarily mean that any type of infiltration into the U.S. has been abandoned because another alternative’s been chosen. Putin is a well-seasoned, alert, and intelligent leader, fully capable of pursuing both alternatives simultaneously.
And it’s
thoughts regarding simultaneous pursuit of multi-objectives that spurred today’s
commentary, whereas limited intellectual capacity or plain old incompetence is
most likely the greatest self-made hurdle for Progressives. For them, there are
never middle-grounds or areas for negotiation . . . it’s always all or nothing. And,
practically speaking, in a nation such as America, where free thoughts abound
throughout the population, the hard left always paints itself into a corner,
because Progressives leave no room to bargain.
because the hard-left demanded newly-elected Biden to shut the Keystone
pipeline, along with other steps to cripple domestic oil production in the U.S.
as his very first acts upon taking office, the chain of events began that
eventuated into inflations return to above 7%. That in turn, spurred myriad
problems including forcing the lowest income earners to choose between
purchasing food, fuel or paying rent each month.
specifically re-listing here all the well-known problems currently hamstringing
the nation, common throughout is the “my-way or the highway stance” taken by
Progressives that dooms them from the outset by shooting themselves in the
foot. As a practical matter, simple statistics tell them that they as a faction
represent a very small portion of the Democrat party. On December
17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats,
25% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent. According to Pew Research, 12% of Democrats lean “hard
left.” Meaning that in total, a paltry 3.72% of the electorate overall are
effectuating governance of the United States.
As it happened,
regardless of limited membership, due to Biden’s need for their support, that 3.72%
of the electorate wound up influencing national policy virtually completely.
Utilizing their power fully from the outset of Biden’s term, hard-left policy-makers
have now become the undeniable cause of the nation’s woes. Had there been some
kind of gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuel, the U.S. would not have to
be groveling now with foreign nations for affordable oil. Had the price of fuel
not risen as it has, costs of living would not have accelerated so dramatically
across the board. Had costs of living not increased as they have, events in
foreign oil-producing nations would not have mattered very much at all. At the
same time, Progressives would be free to implement their agenda in an
acceptable, timely manner instead of minimizing their opportunity window for
nine more months until November 2022 when Republicans will overwhelmingly replace
But, orderly
transition is not what happened. By way of narrow-minded, non-negotiable
thinking, Progressives have now clearly identified themselves as enemies to the
republic for no rational reason. By placing their own immediacy on policy reversal,
every-day normal activities of life, such as filling one’s car, has branded
these intellectual dwarfs as outright villains. Buying a loaf of bread is now
stimulus to thinking of why the price has risen so high for ordinary voters.
And that will come back to bite.
This once
more brings back thoughts of Rush on December 10th, 2021 as quoted
by Jeffrey Rodack appearing on Newsmax, as follows: “I actually think that we’re trending toward secession,”
he said. “I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in
common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us
believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New
York, especially if you’re talking about votes.
“A lot of bloggers have written extensively about how distant
and separated and how much more separated our culture is becoming politically
and that it can’t go on this way. There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two
completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how
we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something
giving somewhere along the way.
“I know that there’s a sizable and growing sentiment for people
who believe that that is where we’re headed whether we want to or not. Whether
we want to go there or not. I, myself, haven’t made up my mind. I still haven’t
given up the idea that we are the majority and that all we have to do is find a
way to unite and win.”
But, none of this had to happen. Had Progressives thought like
adults, used their new-found power to gradually introduce ideological change,
illustrating by example why their philosophy of governance provided significant benefit,
who knows how long they could have prevailed? But not them, instead they
applied world-class stupidity full-bore immediately, insuring that Putin has
considerably more power today in the U.S. and everywhere else than Biden.
That’s it for today folks.
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