As mentioned several times of late, indirect evidence continues to mount demonstrating increased popularity for the POTUS and his agenda.
Results of a new Fox poll today shows that fifty-one percent of voters view Melania Trump favorably. According to Victoria Balara, that’s “up 14 points since December and up 16 points from the first time the Fox News Poll asked about her last summer.”
The president’s own ratings are also up to 47 percent versus 44 percent in March and 38 percent just before November’s election, matching a previous high set in December 2016.
VP Pence’s results were 47 percent favorable vs. 42 percent unfavorable.
While the mainstream media continues its perpetual assault on the POTUS unbridled, other poll results show he not only isn’t the one most vilified by voters, he’s far more popular than most other leading politicos in both major party’s.
House Speaker Paul Ryan attained 37% favorability vs. 45%unfavorable and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 25%-41%. However, results for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at 33%-50% and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer at 26%-35% show both to be far lower in popularity than Trump.
Aside from yesterday's poll results, Rush once again put his finger on the underlying trends that indicate a strengthening nation and the threat that raises to those on the left.
Addressing Friday’s good jobs report, Rush noted that it seemed it was no longer meaningful to the MSM, as it was during the Obama administration when they were “hailed and heralded.”
"Remember all of the Drive-By articles," Rush said, “that talked about how the economy was gonna shrink under Obama? They told us the new normal was anemic economic growth because the U.S. had had a party in previous years we didn’t deserve. The United States was now finding out what life is like for the rest of the world, and this is the only thing that is fair.”
“So as the Obama economy was anemic, the New York Times herald it as a new reality. But yesterday, “Hopes of ‘Trump Bump’ for U.S. Economy Shrink as Growth Forecasts Fade.” And the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped about 155 points yesterday. Skip forward to this morning. The numbers were released, and they’re strong numbers. Job creation across the board, one of the best reports seen in years, each sector is expanding in jobs. The labor force participation rate. That has improved to its best since the 1980s!”
From there Rush focused in on the fact that “nothing, nothing ticks off progressives like real progress. And that for the Democrat Party to be great again, people have to suffer. And although “you can’t build a winning, vibrant, effervescent political movement based on people suffering,” that’s what the Democrats need in order to survive.
“They need more people out of work. They need more people without health care. They need more people without insurance. They need more people in pain, economic and otherwise. They need more people incapable of helping themselves. They need more people demanding that government do something, anything, for them. The Democrat Party can only thrive as it is currently constituted when people are suffering. And people have to suffer for the Democrat Party to be great again. How would you like to be a Democrat and a member of that party?”
Rush went on to speculate about the “positive impact on the economy and the American people if the Republican controlled Congress would simply do what they were elected to do. Imagine incentivizing free markets with tax cuts and the repeal of Obamacare. Imagine.”
And then, Rush hit on what he believes is the major hurdle facing Congressional Republicans using Pennsylvania’s Senator as an example. Holding a town hall meeting, Toomey said: “The reason why the Senate is paralyzed is because — dadelut dadelut — we didn’t expect Trump to win! So we didn’t have any plans! We weren’t preparing to implement any because we didn’t expect Trump to win.”
Nonetheless, Rush still strongly believes that as truths continue to surface and that positive things keep occurring, the results will alter many leftists thinking anyway.
He made his point this way: “And I’m here to tell you, I hope this happens in my lifetime ’cause I know it’s gonna happen, and not just with feminists. The global warming… All these young kids who believe in climate change and all of these young Millennials and others who believe in feminism and the American left, they’re going to wake up one day…
“I think the worm is turning in such a degree, they are going to realize at some point not too distant from now. I mean, it’s not tomorrow; it’s not next year. They’re gonna realize how they’ve been misrepresented, how they’ve been lied to. They are going to. It’s gonna be a stunning realization, a wake-up call. They are going to figure out it’s going to become abundantly clear — they will not be able to avoid it — how they’ve been lied to about practically every aspect of liberalism.
“From feminism to climate change, global warming, environmentalism, all these things they hold dear that are near religious in their devotion. They are going to realize so much of what they believe is just total BS. I have hoped that would happen in the last 30 years, but it’s to the point now where things on the left are disintegrating.”
Staying with the subject on another program segment, Rush went so far as to compare Trump to Rush’s idol Ronald Reagan.
That comparison arose whereas Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy addressed Rush’s assessment of the POTUS’s speech in Poland on Wednesday.
“DOOCY: It would be good if we could split the screen right now. Rush Limbaugh had an unbelievable assessment of the Trump speech, and it was like nothing he’d heard in a very long time. He said it was very Reaganesque. So if we could watch a little of these pictures and watch and listen to Rush from yesterday, this is gonna sum it up. Here’s Rush…
“RUSH: So they wanted to split screen me saying what I said and they wanted on the other half of the screen some pictures that they had chosen to go with this, and this is me analyzing Trump’s speech yesterday in part plus some other things.
“RUSH ARCHIVE: …Western civilization, Western values, American culture. This distinct American culture that resulted from our founding that is now under assault, not just from enemies around the world, but from enemies within. That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it. And Trump’s the only president since Reagan to acknowledge it.
“RUSH: Right. So I want to thank Doocy for noticing that yesterday and deciding to replay it on Fox this morning. We went back and we got some speeches from Reagan when he was in a similar circumstance as Trump. These Reagan speeches are in 1982 at the Palace of Westminster in London, in which he talked about Poland and the Polish struggle to be Poland and independent from the Soviet sphere. And he talked about Western civilization and Western culture, and it was striking because — and I remembered this. The similarities between the Reagan speech in ’82 and Trump yesterday are striking.”
Putting all of today’s elements together leads to Rush’s summation of where he senses things are trending for Democrats who he believes “have to make as many people victims as they can, and they have to be the cause of it. And they have to tell people that they’re victims. They have to make people want to be victims. And how’s it working out for ’em? This has been their policy since 2010, and how’s it working for ’em? All you need is an opposite party that’s doing the exact opposite for a contrast, they don’t have a prayer.”
And that’s probably a major reason why, as mentioned at today’s outset, polls show things trending upward for both the POTUS and his wife.
That’s it for today folks.
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