Having no rational plan, programs or leadership, the political left is now showing signs of coming mentally unglued altogether. As reported by David Martosko, US Political Editor @dailymail.co.uk via Drudge this morning: “A Democratic congressman has proposed convening a special committee of psychiatrists and other doctors whose job would be to determine if President Donald Trump is fit to serve in the Oval Office.
“So far two dozen members of the House, all Democrats, have signed on to cosponsor the bill.”
While panic among Democrats increases daily, it seems that investors and others involved in the nation’s economy have a very different opinion about the job that the POTUS is doing.
According to Anora Mahmudova and Carla Mozee @marketwatch.com the “Dow, S&P 500 notch best first-half performance since 2013.”
There is naturally, much explanation, speculation and trader reaction in the article. However, regardless of the arguments pro and con, investor confidence in the Trump economy is certainly a driving force in record securities investment taking place at present.
A reader, alex anson, summed the significant gains up this way:
“Thank you Donald Trump, you have done more for the good of the country in six months. As compared to the 8 years of the lying Obama, administration. Liars, liars, they were and are, that is why their pants are now on fire.
“As for the lying press, keep them on a full court press. They can't stand the pressure, they just can't take it anymore.”
As a practical reality, it appears that reader anson, is absolutely correct in his perception of the “lying” press whereas, according to ap.org/dynamic yesterday: “In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies - the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency - and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.”
Thus, we have another day and another MSM retraction.
On the very same day, Matthew Boylea reports @breitbart.com: “Breitbart News investigation has led to the correction by the Associated Press–which originally resisted–of the fake news it printed as deeper questions of responsibility, accountability, and journalistic ethics consume the AP heading into Fourth of July weekend.
“This time, the Associated Press invented an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.
“A Breitbart News investigation uncovered that no such “meetings” took place, the Senate Intelligence Committee was not investigating the matter, and the Treasury Department had already—at the urging of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to now Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin before Trump’s inauguration—looked into it and determined the matter to be entirely “without merit.”
Adding to the mounting problems Democrats face due to their incapability's in office, an article by William Lajeunesse @FoxNews.com raises the question of who’s mental fitness really needs testing, the president’s or those on the political left?
Lajeunesse addresses the national debate regarding sanctuary cities and the proposition that illegal immigrants are safer within them.
According to Lajeunesse: “Sanctuary supporters claim they are."
"Police chiefs across the nation believe that enlisting local police to enforce immigration law is a bad idea," California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon, a Democrat, claimed at a news conference last week. "Having [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] pluck criminals out of jail and send them across the border or wherever they came only to come right back endangers our communities.”
However, a “six-year study published last year by the University of California, Riverside found "violent crime is slightly higher in sanctuary cities." It concluded there was "no statistically discernible difference in violent crime rates, rape, or property crime across" 55 cities studied.
Nonetheless, data from the Arizona Police Association reveals otherwise. “In May 2008, Phoenix reversed itself, becoming a non-sanctuary state. Under the policy, police had full discretion to ask suspects about their immigration status and had the freedom to call ICE.”
Levi Bolton, the association’s executive director said: “We saw a decrease in crime. It had a deterrent effect on folks because the risk of discovery went up exponentially when we actually enforced the law."
“Bolton served with Mark Spencer, who spent 25 years patrolling in Phoenix.
"When we eliminated our sanctuary policy back in 2008, we saw crime, violent and stolen vehicles fall by 25 percent," he recalled. "We saw a 20-year low crime rate. When we were allowed and had the discretion to contact our federal immigration partners, crime fell drastically."
“According to City-Data.com, which collects data from various government agencies, from 2008 to 2009 Phoenix's murder rate fell 27 percent, robberies by 23 percent, assault by 13 percent, burglaries by 14 percent and theft by 19 percent. The numbers for each category fell the following year as well – albeit by smaller margins.”
Reader, RudiMatt, addressed the premise quite succinctly, asking: “Why can't people get this concept, if you come to a country and break it's immigration laws you have committed a crime. It's really that simple.”
Thus, when all of the information's gathered regarding specific issues, rather than broad speculations about incompetency, one has to truly wonder who’s really in need of mental testing. Is it leftist leadership, the group proven erroneous at every turn imaginable, or the POTUS whose platform seems to be working slowly but surely, as it turns the nation’s prospects around for the better?
That’s it for today folks.
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