Tough morning today, due to intestinal glitch which should be soon be over. However, instead of calling in sick, I’m going to let an article and comments from readers fill in for me. And, in my opinion they did a very good job.
The article comes from AFP’s Ivan Couronne via and begins: “Thursday marks six months in power for US president Donald Trump. Fellow Republicans hope to turn the page on a relatively fruitless debut and lift a trophy with tax reform before his first year is out.
“Since January 20 the president has rolled back 14 regulations set by his, predecessor Barack Obama, notably on environmental and industry rules.
“He also claimed a critical victory with the Senate's confirmation of conservative judge Neil Gorsuch onto the US Supreme Court, and has signed numerous executive orders.
"What we've done over a short period of time, and what we're going to be doing over the next six months, will be incredible," the billionaire businessman-turned-politician said Monday.
“But a grand legislative accomplishment has eluded him, including his long-pledged repeal of the health care reforms that was Obama's signature domestic achievement -- and which have divided Republicans.”
While the bias of the author against the POTUS is obvious, it’s remarkable that the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice in the first six months receives 14 words in the middle of a sentence. Yet, the effects of that appointment will significantly influence court rulings for many, many years to come.
When it comes to the real world, however, readers have totally different opinions about Trump’s accomplishment's while placing blame for the POTUS’s “relatively fruitless debut” where it really belongs.
Reader 2WAYSTREET commented: “It's just sad how hard the Liberal left has worked to continually slow any chance of success for this President, yes he has his downsides but my god, this is dispicable. And if it had been Cruz or even thier pick Jebbie Bush it would have gone the same way. Our nation used to fight the good fight in politics and then come together no matter who won, thats how it was with Obama, we didn't see known celebrities out there holding Obama's bloody head or crybabies whining day after day about the loss, America came together and said " Give The Guy a Chance" but because a Republican won the Liberal's and Liberal media went off the cliff and haven't stopped for a second, even today. The Liberals are willing to watch America burn to the ground just to keep up their tantrum. SAD.”
Reader Mamamia took another path, producing a long list of accomplishments that the author either isn’t aware of, or simply chose to ignore.
Examples from the quite long list of first six-month accomplishments includes:
“US Debt” ”As of today, the US Debt has decreased under President Trump since his inauguration by (-$103) Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months more than $974 Billion or nearly $1 Trillion.) The difference between Presidents Trump and Obama is more than $1 Trillion.”
“Jobs: ”According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President Trump added a projected 1,027,000 jobs in his first six months (January through June 2017.) President Obama on the other hand lost more than 3,826,000 million jobs in his first six months.”
“Unemployment: “Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate since President Trump’s inauguration decreased from 4.8% to 4.4% (January through June 2017). The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8% and by June it was down to 4.4%. Unemployment under President Obama on the other hand moved in the opposite direction. In his first six months as President the US unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.5% by June of 2009.
“Illegal immigration is down almost 70% under President Trump.”
“NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.”
“After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April.
“The President has signed around 150 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 19th, including:
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP.”
There’s considerably more posted by the reader, but space prohibits its addition. But just what’s there is quite a lot of accomplishment if you stop and think about it. Which those on the left and in the mainstream media certainly chose to ignore.
Reader AlanC wrote: “The libertards and the clowns that call themselves media have tried to derail Trump and his agenda at every turn. But we still have a bustling economy and the public has grown wise to all the turmoil the libertards have tried to create now it is starting to work against them. The midterms will be fun to watch the dems continue their downward spiral. Keep bashing and causing nothing but trouble dems. It only shows how immature and foolish they are.”
Reader Dude opined: “The problem is that Trump is going against the establishment. Both democrats and republicans make up the DC establishment, and neither of them want him there. And of course the news media is doing all they can do damage him. During the campaign he survived all of that, and will continue to. Trump is our first truly independent president.”
And reader Dude is certainly correct in his observation. Most of those in the “swamp,” are putting up obstacles. Primarily because none of them, regardless of party affiliation, want an outsider in their midst showing them up for the wastrels they truly are.
Then Sir.Dennis presented some very impressive statistics.
“In the first 6 months of the Trump Presidency, the Dow increased by nearly 2000 points. The Stock Market has gained over $4 trillion in value since Trump became president.
“In the first 6 months of the Trump Presidency, the national debt decreased by $103 billion. In Obama's first 6 months, the debt went up $974 billion.”
“In the first 6 months of the Trump Presidency, over 1,027,00 new jobs have been added to the economy. In Obama's first 6 months, 3,826,000 jobs were lost.”
“I hope America has 8 more years of Trump's failures, because 8 years of Obama's successes damn near killed us!”
So, thanks to those readers who put their thoughts, opinions and conclusions in print today. Particularly because what they posted is the absolute, unequivocal truth.
That’s it for today folks.
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