Monday, July 24, 2017


Several news story's today serve to show why leading Democrats grasp at the tiniest of straws as they try to keep their failing party together. And it’s the lack of having anything substantial to offer constituents that leads to reactions such as the creation of Russian witch hunts, making them look even worse than the pathetic whiners and hopeless cases they truly are.    

An item titled “As Gas Prices Fall to 12-Year Low, Schumer Claims Gas Prices 'Never Go Down, begins: “Even as gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years under President Trump, Senate Minority Leader is claiming the price of petrol has only gone up.”

According to the text: “Over the July 4th holiday weekend, gas prices were at their lowest point since 2005, according to the AAA.

"At $2.23, today’s average national gas price is the cheapest the country has seen all year," AAA reported. "On the week, gas prices fell in 46 states. Only Illinois, Oklahoma and Washington, D.C. saw prices increase, albeit by one cent each, while Hawaii and Maine remained flat. South Carolina continues to carry the cheapest gas in the country at $1.90. Today, consumers can find gas for $2.00 or less at one out of every four gas stations in the country."

Despite the statistics presented, when Schumer appeared on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, he claimed prices are only rising, thanks to "huge companies buying up other big companies."

"Gas prices are sticky -- you know, when the domestic price goes, uh, when the, uh, price for oil goes up on the markets, it goes right up but it never goes down.," Schumer said. "How the heck did we let Exxon and Mobil merge?"

After reading Schumer’s assessment, one has to wonder who he thinks his audience is. Because anyone owning a gas-driven vehicle or machine knows full well how gas prices have fallen.  

And once again its readers who prove the point.

Reader Western commented: “Well, he is correct. Prices in California have gone up, and scheduled to go up even more, due to liberal taxation.

Old Hickory wrote: “Schumer is confused and thinks Barak "Prices will necessarily rise" Obama is still in office. Obama did everything he could to sabotage US energy production. He tried to regulate coal to death and oil and gas acreage leased fell to a 35 year low. The result was coal mines shut down and O&G production on federal land dropped by 15% even while the shale boom nearly doubled production on private property.”

Matamoros added: “Yep oil peaked at well north of $100 a barrel under Obama. It stayed over $80 for most of 2010-2015. That was a huge gift to Putin and OPEC. Those stupid policies are what allowed Putin to fund his military buildup. Thanks to private investment, we are now exporting liquid NG, undercutting Russian market share and profit margins in Europe. Energy price decline is a major factor curtailing Russian aggression, just like in the 1980s.”

BigAl further noted: “All of that and sold 20% of our uranium to the Russians as well.”

All of which goes to confirm that if the Democrats continue without a meaningful, recognizable platform with tangible benefits, today’s voter's are far too well-informed to accept the divergence attempts of witch-hunts. Particularly when leaders like Schumer come across as totally ignorant of simple staistics, such as current trends in the price of a basic commodity like oil.

On the other hand, however, another article concerned a topic in which Democrats are consummate experts; politics. 

Brooke Singman writes about the same politician, Schumer, “who had choice words for Hillary Clinton in an interview over the weekend, blasting the Democratic presidential nominee for blaming Russia for her loss to now-President Trump -- who picked up on the jab in a Monday morning tweet. 

“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

He was referring to “comments Clinton has made tying her November election loss to multiple factors -- including former FBI Director James Comey’s decision to re-open the investigation into her private email server as well as the email hack of her campaign chairman's account.”

So, here’s a guy who blamed the presidential election on the lack of a platform, and running a campaign based solely on being against the other candidate. Yet, he did it on the very same day that when discussing particular issues, such as the price of oil, he has no idea whatsoever of what he’s talking about either.    

And then, what truly becomes an interesting circumstance regarding all the efforts of Democrats to uncover Trump collusion with Russians during the past election, the vast majority of the American people are quite content with the way things are going at present.   

As presented by Rush on Friday: “This is from Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, but it’s actually the result of a Rasmussen Reports survey. You ready for this? Seventy-four percent of the American people say they have never felt better and are very happy. New Rasmussen Report survey: 74% of adults rate life as good or excellent. That’s the highest level of satisfaction ever recorded by Rasmussen. That’s up from 61% in 2010 and 67% in 2014.
“Only 5% of Americans in this survey rate their life as poor. Most of those surveyed said the first 40 years of life were the best. Unmarried adults were the happiest.”

Thus, one would have to believe that creating issues where there are none, make the Democrat lack of a platform even harder to attract voters who are now happier than they’ve been in recorded history.  

Bringing us to another Democrat issue with which they appear to be incorrect about, as reported by AWR Hawkins who writes:

“A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows during the time period 2007 to 2015, the percentage of adults with carry permits rose 190% and violent crime fell by 18%.

“According to CPRC,  from 2007 to 2015 the “murder rates fell from 5.6 [per 100,000] to 4.9 per 100,000. This represents a 12.5% drop.” At the same time, “overall violent crime fell by 18 percent.” And again, these drops are coinciding with a 190% increase in “the percentage of adults with permits.”

The CPRC showed that the number of concealed carry permit holders “grew by a record 1.83 million” in 2016. This beats the previous record of 1.73 million, set in 2015, and means “6.53% of American adults have permits.” Moreover, “outside the restrictive states of California and New York, about 8% of the adult population has a permit.”
“CPRC observes: Regression estimates show a significant association between increased permit ownership and drops in murder and violent crime rates. Each one percentage point increase in rates of permit-holding is associated with a roughly 2.5 percent drop in the murder rate. This holds true even after accounting for incarceration rates, the number of police per capita, and other demographics.
“In other words, more concealed carriers, less murder.”

Making one wonder if leadership on the left is ever going to do some research on subjects before they present incorrect matter in the future. Because although 74% of adults rate life currently as good or excellent, they might be able to attract some of the 26% finding it somewhat less. Provided they can ever come up with something beneficial to offer.

That’s it for today folks.


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