Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Very slow day in the news, as should be expected on July 4th. However, there were a couple of items from yesterday worthy of mention.

For starters, the stodgy, pompous, self-impressed Charles Krauthammer showed signs of awakening in regard to the POTUS’s manipulation of the childishly gullible mainstream media.

Jeff Poor writes @breitbart.com that “Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer offered his thoughts on President Donald Trump’s Twitter habits, which have been a media focus the day after the president tweeted a video of him pummeling a faceless CNN logo.”

Krauthammer said “[Y]ou have the sense if they succeeded in stopping him from tweeting, it is like putting a cork in a bottle. He would implode. This is the way he conducts himself, in which he stabilizes himself psychologically, I would guess, looking from the outside. And it’s not the fact that he tweets. For God’s sake, the Pope tweets. There is nothing wrong with tweeting intrinsically. It’s what you tweet. And Kellyanne Conway is right — three-quarters of what he tweets is about policy and what he’s doing.”

“That’s fine,” he continued. “But then why does he do the other quarter? I mean, I think he is trolling the press. This CNN bit I found it rather amusing. It was meant to drive them crazy, to get an overreaction, to get attention and to sort of heighten the contradictions — if you want to use a Leninist term, between him and the press, his adversaries in the press, and to solidify his base. So, there is some strategy here, not much. The rest is a psychological need, and who knows, perhaps this is therapy for him.”

In his second paragraph, grasping the fact that the tweeting is “meant to drive [the media] crazy, to get an overreaction, to get attention and to sort of heighten the contradictions,“ confirms that Krauthammer’s finally waking up to Trump's basic methodology. However, believing that there isn’t much “strategy” involved reveals Krauthammer's intellectual shortcoming, as defined by a reader, Chr1st1an, who commented: “They are one dimensional chess players playing chess with a five dimensional thinker.”

Others too, prove that the “solidified” base is far more attuned to what their leader is doing than Krauthammer quite narrowly envisions.   

Reader, Ministry_of_Truth_Crusher, commented: “Yes, Captain Obvious, he's trolling CNN”

marty #trumptrain wrote: “KRAUT-SPAMMER hits one out of the infield!”

proreason added: “It's a bunt single! and the 3rd basemen let it roll.

“But in addition to poor Charles, you would think that out of the thousands of drooling partisans in the Fake Media, at least one of them would get up and say "you know, fellow ideologues and liars, this Trump guy is a master at this social media game, and we have skillsets that would embarrass 4 year-olds. Maybe we should try some other tactics for a while."

Reader Joshua Norman focused on the hypocrisy rampant in the MSM, commenting: “Exposed CNN and other corporate political entertainment networks as hypocrites. It's ok to murder Trump in a daily play and call for his assassination but a silly professional wrestling meme makes them cry like little children.”

While the commentary reveals considerable intellect among the POTUS’s base of supporters, Trump's team also knows full well about how the MSM distorts and manipulates what’s presented as fact to its audience.  

According to Trent Baker @breitbart.com: “Sunday, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to the president, said on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable” that the fake news media is “collapsing in on itself.”

“To those supporters of the Trump administration who may have been worried by all the fake news reporting of the last 23 weeks, I can assure you, just ignore it,” Gorka told host John Catsimatidis. “The fake news complex is collapsing in on itself. We see that with the massive scandal at CNN, having to fire people who were generating totally false stories about the administration. We see that with the severe personnel cuts at ‘The New York Times.'”
“We are not affected by the fake news here inside the West Wing,” he added.

What’s significant about Gorka’s quite accurate assessment is the time-frame involved. Because although only 23 weeks have passed under the new administration, the fake news media is already “collapsing in on itself.”

Which means that in the not too distant future the public will likely be receiving far more accurate reportage from the MSM, largely as a result of the POTUS’s tweets refuting and exposing falsities. And that suggests it isn’t the POTUS who as proposed by Krauthammer requires “therapy,” but Krauthammer and his cohorts that should be seeking professional help.

That’s it for today folks.


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