Saturday, July 15, 2017


Not surprisingly, Tony Lee reports that “voters who live in the heartland and outside the New York-D.C. media bubbles do not care about the legacy media’s obsession with Russia.”

“An Iowa radio news director emailed CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, out of all people, on Thursday to tell him that conservatives in his state are “very angry” at the legacy press because they think the media are using Russia stories to “oust” and delegitimize President Donald Trump.

“They think the Trump/Russia deal is a coup attempt by the media, and don’t think there is anything to the Russia/ Trump, Jr. emails,” Robert Leonard, the news director, emailed. “They don’t understand why the media is trying to oust our duly elected president. They think there is a double standard — why isn’t anyone investigating the Clinton campaign/Russia connections? They are standing firm behind Trump.”

“According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that “there exists a campaign to delegitimize” Trump.

“Reporters who have gone to working-class areas in states like Pennsylvania (“Trump’s Supporters Aren’t Abandoning Him in This Pennsylvania Town”), Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky and even Tennessee (“In Trump Country, Russia Scandal Doesn’t Resonate”) have all reported similar sentiments.”

CNN, however, maintains focus on Russia “even though one of its anchors, Alisyn Camerota, said on Friday that she was actually experiencing Russia “fatigue.” That might be because a Media Research Center study found that “her show New Day spent a whopping 93% of its airtime on Wednesday on Trump-Russia stories.”

A resounding 9,011 comments came from readers, the overwhelming majority of them favorable toward the POTUS.  

Reader John's a Smith commented: “It is beginning to sink into the heads of some prominent Democratic Leaders being looked at as the future of the party. Gavin Newsom of San Francisco is saying the same thing. He is telling his party to get off the Russian/Trump blather and concentrate on rebuilding a democratic party with an actual message and platform to solve problems in America. Until the party puts a muzzle on Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer the party will continue losing ground. One would think with 4 opportunities to pick up seats in the House of Representatives since Trump became the President and losing all of them by running against Trump it might occur to them they need to rethink what they are doing.”

Cat Straykat commented: “Hell yes Trump voters and hardworking Americans everywhere are ANGRY. We're sick of the unhinged witch hunt against OUR President!

Joe Citizen responded: “The harder they rail against Trump unjustly, the greater the 2018 democratic bloodbath will be.”

nancy wrote: “California is behind Trump 100%! Watch us take down the Demo clowns in this State- yeah that means you brown and DeLeon, Feinsten and Pelosi. Your days are numbered you corrupt good for nothing despots!”

Santiago De Matamoros answered nancy; “30 + years in public service and nothing to show for it, only lining their pockets and creating bums every where.”

Despite all the leftist media attempts to defame, demean and ultimately destroy him, Trump himself keeps moving straight ahead while still maintaining his acute sense of irony, as evidenced by Adam Shaw Wednesday.

When reporters aboard Air Force One on the way to Paris asked if he was joking about plans to cover the wall in solar panels, Trump said: “No, not joking, no.”

“There is a chance that we can do a solar wall. We have major companies looking at that. Look, there’s no better place for solar than the Mexico border — the southern border,” he said. “And there is a very good chance we can do a solar wall, which would actually look good.”

Back in June, he “reportedly mentioned the idea to Republican lawmakers as a way to potentially help pay for the wall, and it appeared to be welcomed favorably by some of the fiscal hawks in the Republican caucus.”

Readers too appreciated the dilemma that would be created for the left.

Mourning in America commented: “President Trump finds a way to turn liberals against solar energy.

"Now that's funny..."

BluzLover  wrote: “Turning leftists against green energy one project at a time.”

overboosted ✓ᴰᴱᴾᴸᴼᴿᴬᴮᴸᴱ added some depth: “This is a brilliant idea. He can make the wall a part of a DOE energy infrastructure project instead of a DHS security project. How will the liberals explain that they are suddenly against a green energy infrastructure project?”

And then, another article certainly appeared to involve typical Democrat mentality, written by Katherine Rodriguez.

“Uloma Curry-Walker, 45, faces life in prison without parole for murdering William Walker in November 2013, four months after she married him, reported.”

Wracking up tens of thousands of dollars in debt, close to financial ruin, Curry-Walker enlisted her 17-year-old daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend to search for someone who would kill her husband William Walker.

The plan was to collect the insurance money after her husband’s death, prosecutors say.

However, her husband still had his ex-wife listed as the beneficiary on the insurance policy, so the money went to his ex-wife.

“Testimony at the hearing showed that Curry-Walker paid her daughter’s boyfriend, Chad Padgett, $1,000 to ensure that the murder was carried out, CBS News reported.”

“Padgett initially reached out to his cousin, Chris Hein, to carry out the slaying. When Hein failed to kill Walker, Hein recruited Ryan Dorty to perform the murder.”

“Prosecutors say Dorty shot Walker four times as he was on his way home from picking up fast food at Curry-Walker’s request.

“As part of the plea agreement, Hein agreed to serve 18 years to life. Padgett agreed to 28 years to life in prison, and Dorty accepted a sentence of 23 years to life.”

In this case, Breitbart readers seemed to immediately pick up on the same wavelength amongst themselves.

Henry Bowers asked: “Why does this article make me think of the Clintons?”

EjB responded: “Because she is a lot like the genius who said Obama was going to pay her mortgage and car payment ...."from his stash."

Tariq_Toulhead_Al_Tabilcloth proposed: “She will still vote next year.

“Oh, and in CLE. Twice.”

cryhavoc noted to Henry Bowers: “With the Clinton's involvement the victim would have been ruled a suicide with three stabs wounds to the back.”

While Breitbart readers certainly have no qualms about putting opinions in print regarding their suspicions of illicit Clinton behavior, Bill himself expressed doubts of his own about his wife’s integrity.

Chris Stirewalt suggested yesterday that: “If it had been somebody else, we would call it a gaffe, but since it was Bill Clinton, we know better.

“The former president, speaking at an event with his successor, George W. Bush, mused on the question of what makes a winning campaign, and offered a stinging rebuke of candidates that happened to sound exactly like his wife. 

“Yeah, you have to win the election, but why in the heck are you running?” Clinton asked rhetorically. He said it wasn’t enough to simply disparage the other candidate, ahem, but one had to have a real agenda that voters could understand. 

“If you want to be president, you have to realize it’s about the people, not about you,” said the husband of the woman who ran on “I’m with her.”

Which means that in the certainly plausible event that Bill’s wife decides to run for elective office again, her opponent now has as good an assessment of her pure self-interest as obtainable. Because her own husband doesn't think she belongs in elections either.  

That’s it for today folks.


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