A vivid example comes from Warner Todd Huston who wrote on Friday @breitbart.com that: “Despite an encounter with the president that the New York Times called “ebullient,” the paper still reported that President Trump was engaging in mean-spirited policies goaded by the “nationalist” ideology of adviser Steve Bannon to appease his populist supporters.”
The Times reported that “President Trump engaged with reporters on a very personal basis as they all flew back from Europe on Air Force One, and the "Donald J. Trump who turned up in the press cabin of Air Force One on Wednesday evening was starkly different from the one who publicly pillories the news media but surprisingly familiar to reporters who know him well.”
Huston goes on to note that although “President Trump entered the area where the press sat and began to engage with reporters in an “expansive, engaging, even at times ebullient” way, “despite the president’s good will, the Times went on to slam Trump anyway.
“It was a loose, good-humored side of Mr. Trump that the public rarely sees amid the fusillade of angry speeches and venomous tweets that have characterized the president’s first six months in the White House,” the paper said darkly. “And it came to light only because he retroactively put the session on the record, asking a reporter the next morning why she had not quoted his remarks.”
And then, Huston reaches a point that calls for careful consideration as he writes: The “paper of record” goes on to charge the president with its ever-ready list of accusations. Trump is “populist,” he is grasping for press coverage, he is a “nationalist,” and he is “boastful,” going on to state that “Trump’s advisers are pulling him in different directions.”
“Some of Mr. Trump’s advisers — including his daughter Ivanka; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and Gary D. Cohn, his chief economic adviser — want to draw him toward the political mainstream, keeping the United States in the Paris climate accord, for example, or avoiding a trade war,” the paper said matter-of-factly.
"But then it reveals what it seems to characterize as the “damaging,” darker forces inside the White House:
"Others, led by his chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, and his senior adviser, Stephen Miller, want to pull him in a staunchly nationalist direction on issues like trade and immigration. Mr. Bannon and Mr. Miller had a hand in the inauguration address and the angry jeremiad he delivered in Harrisburg, Pa., to celebrate his first 100 days. They argue that Mr. Trump’s brawling approach is what got him elected, and what will secure his base.So, what we have here is the New York Times finding fault with the idea of the POTUS putting the nation’s citizens, economy and safety first instead of favoring globalization. Making one wonder exactly where these Times people think they live. It also makes one curious if they realize that their circulation is quickly approaching zero.
A reader, OldTimer60, summed it up this way:
“So it's just verification of the NYT stance:
Globalist - destruction of America = Good
Nationalist - Pro-America = Bad”
“Just further confirmation why I don't listen to those dirtbags.”
And then there was some news about what voters really think, as found in a Rasmussen Poll from Friday @rasmussenreports.com
“Consumers are seeing green again when it comes to rating the economy and their own personal finances, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready to start spending more.
“The Rasmussen Reports Economic Rating Index is up nearly five points from last month to 157.3, just one point shy of March’s highest level of confidence in the economy since 2014. Immediately following the 2016 presidential election, enthusiasm about the economy started to grow and has been on the upswing for six of the last eight months. In President Obama’s final year in office, economic ratings ranged from 112.7 to 122.9.”
In this case, it seems consumers are still in the early stages of realization that the economy is truly on an upswing. However, when they see continuation of the trend, increased spending will start once again. And the major difference between now and the past administration is that, when the spending urge really returns, consumers will now have the money to actually do it.
Next comes some news reflecting another initial step toward draining the swamp. This time in the area of controlling voter fraud.
Adam Shaw writes @breitbart.com that: “According to the Denver Post, approximately 3,400 Colorado voters canceled their registrations after the Trump administration sought voter info from the states. The Post notes that the number is hardly enormous, representing only 0.09 percent of the state’s 3.7 million voters.”
Although the number truly isn’t enormous, overall reaction indicates there’s far more to come because: “Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has asked states to hand over data from their voter rolls, reportedly including felony convictions, military status, and voter history.”
And not surprisingly at all: “The move has seen pushback from a number of liberal states such as California, New York, Virginia, and Connecticut, as well as some red states such as Oklahoma and Kentucky.”
“Officials told the Post that while one reason given by those withdrawing was a lack of trust in Trump’s commission, another was that they didn’t realize how much of their information was public under state law.
“However, even though that would suggest the withdrawals coincide with reporting about the commission rather than being directly caused by the commission, it hasn’t stopped the Democrats from hitting the panic button.
“McClatchy reports that the Democratic National Committee and the Colorado Democratic Party have launched an effort to persuade Democrats to stay on the voter rolls.
“What we’re seeing in Colorado, we hope that doesn’t spread elsewhere,” said one DNC official. “That’s why we’re working on educating voters across the country about this. We’re not trying to incite panic, but the DNC itself is monitoring this situation and is concerned by what we’re seeing.”
While Trump has repeatedly claimed that he believes he would have won the popular vote if illegal votes were discounted, Democrats and left-leaning media outlets have accused him of making the claim without evidence. Yet those same groups “are now opposing his administration’s investigation.”
“Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who serves as vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, told Breitbart News Daily this week that the amount of opposition to the probe is “extraordinary.”
“It’s truly extraordinary that they are trying to stop the commission from even beginning. These lawsuits are intended to stop the gathering of data and stop the meeting of the commission. It does make you think that some people out there don’t want us to see what amount of voter fraud there is,” said Kobach.
Which brings us once again to the recently self-appointed Republican legal authority, Alan Dershowitz, although that quite certainly wasn't his intention in any way.
As reported by Trent Baker @breitbart.com: “Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz defended President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., for meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya to do opposition research.
“According to Dershowitz, there is nothing wrong with a candidate getting information on his opponent from any type of source.
“If it were to be prosecuted, the First Amendment would trump. A candidate has the right to get information from whatever source the information comes,” he argued.
Dershowitz also pointed out, “If the material was obtained unlawfully, you prosecute, if you can, the people who obtain the material. But there is a First Amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law. That would be unconstitutional.”
All of which serves to confirm that whether the subject is the mainstream media, consumer confidence, the overall economy, voter fraud or Russian election interference, the Democrats certainly aren’t having a very good day at all.
That's it for today folks.
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