Thursday, April 4, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/4/2013

For some time now, I've frequently included growing evidence that in almost every aspect of governance the current administration’s proving daily that its absolutely clueless.

Adding to that reality is Joe Klein's column “In The Arena,” in today's Time magazine “Swampland” section on-line.

The column’s extremely important to me because Mr. Klein is an avid Dem supporter and a solid, reliable friend of the incumbent. However, today's item is headed “Obamacare Incompetence,” and includes the following paragraphs regarding health care superstores — called exchanges, designed to induce small businesses to support Obamacare because they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care.
Today though, Mr. Klein points out that, “The Administration has had three years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so."
He continues that: "Certainly, the Republicans who have stood in the way of these exchanges — their own idea, by the way, born in the conservative Heritage Foundation — deserve a great deal of “credit” for the debacle. But we are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s inability to govern."
Mr. Klein concludes with: "Just a few weeks ago, I reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to come up with a unified electronic health care records system. There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad ineffective job-training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy — the Department of Health and Human Services — has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.”
So, here we another case where the real world’s caught up to the farce purported by Dem’s having no idea of how an economy works. But even worse, is that so many millions of folks have been harmed by their ignorance.
But, I guess the good news is, influential Dem’s are getting hosed too, and I assume more and more will crawl out of the woodwork and start to speak out like Mr. Klein did. I've included a link so you can read the rest of his very interesting article yourself.
Along the same lines, reality keeps throwing wet towels elsewhere on the Dem’s upside-down ideology by exposing it’s flaws via high profile celebrities who are getting headlines showing how the real world works.
Today, Kelly Phillips Erb, a  Forbes contributor, added her input in an article about Dallas Cowboy's quarterback, Tony Romo’s, recent contract extension, in which she writes that:
“Nonetheless, the extension makes Romo the fifth highest paid player in the NFL based purely on salary alone. But Romo has an edge: he lives in Texas. That make him, according to Americans for Tax Reform, the new highest paid NFL player after taxes. He takes the spot previously held by Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints.
Who else was in the running? Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco earned a Super Bowl ring, Pete Rozelle Trophy and a six-year, $120.6-million contract this year. That makes him the highest-paid player in NFL history. Maryland, however, has a so-called “millionaire’s tax” which imposes a higher tax on taxpayers in upper brackets. Flacco would likely be subject to a 5.75% tax on his earnings in the state of Maryland and a potential 2.75% local tax.”

So, little by little the facts keep piling up that refute Dem's economic fiction all over the nation. And, as I keep predicting, I think the day will come –because simple logic says it has to- that all the Dem’s will wind up broke, alone and worthless like always, in N.Y., L.A., Newark, Detroit and the like, looking around for where their meal tickets went. 
On the other hand, though, all the real producers will be in places like Texas, making occasional trips to the Caymans to visit their bucks.

That’s it for today folks.

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