As regular readers know, I’ve been mentioning the dumbing down of our population for a a very long time now. Without going into repetitive detail, main causes of the depth of ignorance include a continual decrease in the substance of education along with mass media that have become politically biased flaks, filtering their reporting to suit their editorial agendas rather than delivering plain, unvarnished fact.
I bring this subject again today because of the tragedy in Boston and how it’s been generally reported to date.
Thanks to media bias, things like the administration’s refusal to permit opening of the Keystone pipeline while employing every available means to deter or halt drilling here at home, much of the public’s prevented from learning the truth’s while paying about three times as much for fuel as they should.
Along the same lines, over-regulation by a burgeoning bureaucracy coupled with health-care requirements preventing business growth and hiring have cased economic stagnation and a real unemployment rate of more than 12%. With 25% or more jobless among recent grads. Nonetheless, these factors are glossed over in the media, and wherever possible, totally ignored.
In recent days, despite media attempts to suppress or tailor the facts, its becoming more evident as to how badly handled the Benghazi attack was by the State Department overall, and particularly the Secretary herself. And this situation is but one in a host of cases mishandled all over the globe, including Turkey, Syria and Israel.
While the forgoing list could easily go on to include the totally mismanaged national debt, unbridled printing of money by the Fed which will soon cause the entire economy to implode, and the dollars wasted on non-existent global warming, I‘ll now come back to my original point.
It’s one thing for the media to gloss over or distort the preceding issues, and for the most part, I think the intelligent portion of the public knows how to learn truths despite what they’re told via media pap. But, whatever the case, each of the subjects mentioned, although far more painful than need be, is generally survivable by most.
However, the Boston tragedy is in a far different category. Because this one involves terrorism and a direct assault on our population by perpetrators planning to inflict as much harm as they possibly could.
Therefore, the administration's sending a judge to insure that further questioning of the surviving perpetrator is so far beyond an inane mistake, I have to believe that the only reason could possibly be a direct step to shut off talk of terrorism, whereas the incumbent has stated that with the demise of bin Laden, terrorism no longer exists.
And since it’s highly likely that that’s the case, it would seem that the mass media would be all over something as blatantly political as that. But since they see themselves as integral parts of the reshaping of the nation’s social structure, they willingly risk the lives and welfare of countless citizens rather than disclosing facts indicating the administration's decisions are abjectly wrong and their ideology’s worthless.
As for myself, I don’t believe there’s a quick fix to all that’s been done to try to reduce the nation to third world status. However, the administration's mistakes and misjudgments seem to be getting bigger with time. Therefore, the chances seem to be getting greater that it will, sooner or later, likely undo itself altogether, whether the media reports it or not. And when that happens, the facts of the matter will loudly speak for themselves.
That’s it for today folks.
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