Just what is it about Dem politicians that makes them believe their ideas and opinions are superior to anyone else’s, even when every shred of evidence proves conclusively that they’re wrong?
Yesterday, they were set back once more when the Senate voted 54-46 against their proposal to expand background checks to gun shows and Internet sales, while exempting personal transactions. They needed 60 yea votes to pass.
The most amazing thing to me, though, is that after losing the vote because Senators actually listen to their constituents and therefore shot down the idea (pun intended,) according to Foxnews.com: “The supporters of new gun control legislation are vowing to ramp up their campaign for expanded background checks despite suffering a major defeat. Threatening to overpower the gun lobby even if it takes years.”
While the legislation itself makes very little sense to me -serving no purpose at all against crime or violence- I simply can’t understand why these anti-gun nimwits keep willingly walking into the same walls. And what’s more, according to Gallup yesterday, 94% of the public don’t believe guns are an issue at all.
I also did a little brain exercise, asking myself whom I had more respect for if on one side there were the the nation’s Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution, all of them having no problem whatsoever with weapons, and on the other was Cuomo, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Reid and the incumbent himself. The answer is so obviously ridiculous, its almost not worth the keystrokes, but I have to admit, it’s a pretty funny comparison despite being so desperately sad as to what “leadership’s” sunk to.
Along the same lines, while pondering the incumbent’s response from the Rose Garden which “sought to shame those who voted against the background check plan and accused the gun lobby of lying about the bill to scare lawmakers,” I wondered exactly how this guy who has no real background on the subject at all, got the input to form an opinion, if he truly has one at all. And also, where’d he magically get the knowledge to lead our military, considering he’s got no visible personal knowledge of what they do either, nor how the economy works or how health care actually functions.
And speaking of health care a major wheel began squeaking yesterday when, also according to Fox, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana, told Obama's health care chief during a routine budget hearing that "I just see a huge train wreck coming down" for Obamacare.
The Senator pointed out several huge problems in the program, mostly stemming from the inability to manage this huge socialistic attempt at redistribution, although he didn’t put it that way even though its likely what he was thinking.
I’ve included a link so you can read the short, informative article yourself.Top Dem Sen. Baucus warns of 'train wreck' for Obama health law
So, all in all, not a good day for the incumbent. And what’s even better for us, the odds are that things will continue falling apart on his watch. But that’s what happens when a pure politician gets elected to a post a thousand miles above his capabilities.
Yet, as I asked at the beginning today, what is it about Democrats that they keep failing over and over but never learn an iota from their horrendous, hopelessly misguided mistakes? When you boil it all down, these people have to be dumber than rocks.
That’s it for today folks.
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