Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/16/2013

My thought for today was to simply express my sympathies for all those harmed by the cowardly miscreants in Boston and then sign off. Waiting till later on, when the actual details were learned, before making any kind of further comment seemed the proper approach whereas at this point, there’s nothing of value I could possibly add to the massive coverage already taking place. 
Then, although I intended to go no further than the preceding today, I scanned the Drudge site, simply to catch up on current updates and found one of the most disgusting items I’ve seen in many, many years now from none other than that trash barrel Barney Frank.
Using the tragedy to push his party's tax and spend agenda, which is breaking the financial back of the nation, he told an Interviewer on CNN, via The Weekly Standard, that: "I'm glad you raised that, because it gives me a chance to make a point I've felt strongly about. In this terrible situation, let's be very grateful that we had a well-funded, functioning government. It is very fashionable in America, and has been for some time to criticize government, belittle public employees, talk about their pensions, talk about what people think ... of [their] health care. Here we saw government in two ways perform very well. ... I never was as a member of Congress one of the cheerleaders for less government, lower taxes. No tax cut would have helped us deal with this or will help us recover. This is very expensive."
So, here we are on the day after this horrible tragedy, still not knowing what actually took place. Nor do we know who perpetrated the crimes. We also saw government workers do the jobs they’re supposed to, along with citizens who did their best as well. Yet, this windbag Frank jumped right in with both feet to promote more government and higher taxes, using the victims in Boston to bolster his case. Now, I obviously don’t know what you think, but to me this poor excuse for a human is lower than dirt.
In conclusion, as I said at the start, I had no intention of doing anything other than expressing my grief today, but Frank’s politicizing this tragedy obviously angered me into typing. However, there is one small thing we can be thankful for, which is that the voters know who this guy is too, and that’s why he’s now ex-congressman Frank.
That’s it for today folks.

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