Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/24/2012

As things begin settling down after the Boston tragedy, two items appeared in the news which shouldn’t go by unnoticed.
According to Fox News on-line: “Newly released documents show that the Obama administration was warned as early as 2010 that electric car maker Fisker Automotive Inc. was not meeting milestones set up for a half-billion dollar government loan, nearly a year before U.S. officials froze the loan after questions were raised about the company's statements.
An Energy Department official said in a June 2010 email that Fisker's bid to draw on the federal loan may be jeopardized for failure to meet goals established by the Energy Department.
The potential loss of $171 million would be the largest loss of federal loan money since the 2011 failure of solar panel maker Solyndra, which declared bankruptcy and laid off all its workers after receiving a $528 million loan from the Energy Department”
So, here we have almost 3/4 of a billion taxpayer dollars thrown away for just about no reason at all, other than political pandering, while three and four hour waits are occurring all over the nation due to sequester budget cuts for folks needing to fly.
Then there’s this item by Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times via Drudge which says, “House Republicans have concluded that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies bear no blame for failing to halt the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year, releasing a report Tuesday that said President Obama and the State Department set up the military for failure.
The report also found that plenty of intelligence presaged the attack, but the White House and State Department — including the secretary at the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton — failed to heed the warnings.”
I’ve included a link because the story contains substantial detail regarding Hillary that shouldn’t be forgotten or overlooked, even though she incurred that debilitating head boo-boo when she tripped: House GOP concludes Clinton blew Benghazi response
I wanted to include these items because, as they say, it’s the little things that count. And as far as this administration goes it’s the huge, incredibly damaging errors that occur so frequently there’s a good chance we’ll forget the small ones that also add up to billions of thrown away taxpayer bucks. Overall, there have been by far the worst policy and fiscal decisions made since Jimmy Carter.
And that brings me back to another of my continuing themes. Because as a practical matter, what could any reasonable person expect when an inexperienced, misguided amateur street-corner politician without a shred of credentials gets elected to the most important position on earth? 
But what all this goes a long way to demonstrate is just how solid, self-reliant and thoroughly competent the productive half of our society is. Because those of us in that group are still chugging along, albeit much harder to do with all the inane Dem imposed hurdles, despite how diligently the other half's trying to destroy us. Which I guess goes to prove that except for national elections, Dem's as a whole are the biggest, most incompetent, unqualified losers that ever lived. 
That’s it for today folks.

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