Friday, April 12, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/12/2013

The more news and current events I read, the more I’m able to grasp the differences between people who lead “traditional” lives as opposed to pure politicians.
I think for most folks having a sense of what’s become known as living the American Dream, there’s a fundamental belief that hard work, dedication, ingenuity, and a continual striving for self-improvement tends to lead to rewarding results, both personally and economically.
And then there’s the completely opposite mind-set of office-holder's who do and know absolutely nothing productive, yet feel that they somehow or other are experts on subjects they know less than nothing about. 
This morning, watching Fox News, I was reminded again of that great disparity between those who produce the funds and wherewithal that permit our nation to function, as opposed to those who not only add nothing worthwhile, but also muddy the lives of those who do. 
The mind jolt came from an item regarding Deborah "Debbie" Wasserman Schultz who’s the U.S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district, a member of the Democratic Party and the Chair of the Democratic National Committee. She previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. 
She was mentioned because of her whining in Congress last week that due to the high cost of good restaurant food in D.C., her poor “underpaid” staff can’t afford a good meal. And although, I brought her comment up then because it’s so ludicrous, this time I looked her background up whereas I was curious about how someone could be so obtuse about the miserable state our whole economy’s in, primarily due to her party’s fiscal mismanagement.
What I found on Wikipedia came as no surprise because although different schools are involved, she has the same background as the incumbent. In both cases, as holds true for many of today’s politicians, neither one has  an iota of real world experience, neither has ever actually earned a quarter, both are up to their elbows in taxpayers pockets, and both continually spout gibberish all day long as if their dribble has some kind of value.
In this Wasserman’s case, according to the bio I read, “She received a Bachelor of Arts in 1988 and a Master of Arts with certificate in political campaigning in 1990, both in Political Science, from the University of Florida in Gainesville.
At the University of Florida, [she] was active in student government, serving as President of the Student Senate as well as founder and president of the Rawlings Area Council Government. She was also a member of the Omicron Delta Kappa honor society, the James C. Grimm chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary, and the union Graduate Assistants United, served as President of the Graduate Student council, and Vice President of the UF College Democrats. She had credited her experience in student politics with developing her "love for politics and the political process.      
So, here we have someone holding office and sounding like her staff’s suffering from malnutrition, while I think the discussion should be reversed. Because, first and foremost, what on earth does her “staff” do and why does she need them at all? As I recall, for the Founding Fathers, governance was not only a part time job, they covered the costs themselves.
Consequently, maybe the best thing this Wasserman babe ought to do is go out and find a real job, learn how the economy actually works and then come back fifteen or twenty years from now possessing some valid knowledge. Because expressing her opinion right now on things she obviously knows less than nothing about makes her sound like an absolute moron. And for me, until she catches up with the real world, it’s simply too soon to tell if she truly is one or not.
That’s it for today folks.

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