Tripped over an article just now that made me stop and wonder exactly how some Dem’s minds work. provided they have them to begin with.
An article by Anita Kumar of McClatchy Newspapers via Drudge, headed “Democrats fear Obama group will siphon money from them,” begins by noting that some Democrats [are] wondering: Is he just in it for himself?
And that’s because apparently he’s decided to launch his own political organization, Organizing for Action.
The concern some Dem’s have stems from the fact that the organization will “focus on his policy agenda – not on electing Democratic candidates – by raising unlimited amounts of cash and accessing the president’s secret list of 20 million supporters, volunteers and donors.”
Ms. Kumar explains that “In its first two months, Organizing for Action held hundreds of events across the nation, started raising money and blasted out emails to supporters focused on the president’s top issues: curbing gun violence, fighting climate change, overhauling the immigration system and solving the nation’s fiscal problems through a mixture of tax revisions or increases and budget cuts.”
Now, from my perspective, I think if these Dem’s stopped knee-jerk reacting and gave the subject some thought they’d realize nothing has changed an iota. Because from square one, all the way back to the beginning, the incumbents’ never cared a whit for anyone else but himself and pushing the agendas of wherever his buck’s came from, such as leftist and environmentalist lobbies and foreign oil suppliers like Soros and those in the Middle-East.
“Curbing gun violence” is a joke, waste of time and carloads of hot air and BS. What’s more, more than half the country now owning guns have one more reason to abhor him, and the number’s growing as more and more folks realize his attempts to take away their self-protection rights are not only unconstitutional, it makes them powerless against those who might wish to harm them.
As far as climate change goes, it doesn’t even exist, which is why fewer folks pay any attention to the subject as each day goes by. Except for those living in what’s supposed to be Spring now in the U.S. and are freezing their tails off because if there really is change, it’s toward the cold side of the equation.
And then, as far as the last subject goes, “solving the nation’s fiscal problems through a mixture of tax revisions or increases and budget cuts,” I don’t even know where to start typing. Because, fiscal-wise, the incumbent’s the absolute worst there’s ever been in office and has run up the biggest debt in history with no plan for solution. They simply don’t come any less skillful.
So, to sum it all up. The reason that POTUS gets all the attention he does is because, somehow or other, he got elected to the office. And while he’s in it, the power, prestige and influence attached to the position gravitate to him. However, once that’s over, he’s just another guy with an agenda and, perhaps some funding as well. But, as far as that agenda goes, and in this case the issues are ridiculous, I doubt too many folks will care an iota.
But, if you want to get a better idea of what folks think of former incumbents with worthless issues, goals and beliefs, ask Jimmy Carter, if you can find him. Because nobody really knows or cares where he now is.
That’s it for today folks.
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