Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/30/2013

Several recent entry's have covered the vast amount of damage resulting from politically-biased administration decision-making, where self and party objectives supersede the best interests of the nation.
Examples included the spiraling, out of control, national debt, a sluggish economy still intentionally hampered by anti-business policies and strangling over-regulation, ruination of the health care system, coupled with never-ending attempts to redistribute wealth and strip as much asset value from the “rich” as possible under our present system.
However, as noted often before, these are primarily issues the working public’s dealt with before and survived, such as having to absorb extreme economic pain during the terms of Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson. But today, we have a far more frightening issue at hand, whereas beyond the bumbling domestic errors stemming from governmental ignorance, arrogance and incompetence, we now have foreigners in our midst truly trying their damnest to injure and kill us.
Now, I have to assume that these terrorists would likely pursue their goals regardless of which party controlled the administration, so my argument isn’t about lapses in prevention. My point involves the immediate politicization of the bombing in Boston, instead of an intense, focused effort to seek the truth regarding how and why the incident happened.
Furthermore, what I truly can’t comprehend is why folks who’ve now been in office long enough for even the densest blockhead that ever existed to realize, that the truth always comes out eventually. So, why do these nimwits continually try to distort it?
In that regard, while the administration keeps loudly insisting that the Boston perpetrators acted alone and there’s no sign of additional threat, Brian Bennett, Kim Murphy and Sergei L. Loiko of the Los Angeles Times, via Drudge, reported today that: “Investigators are also casting a wider net for others who may have been associated with the alleged bombers, both in the U.S. and in Russia, where the suspects' parents lived in the southern republic of Dagestan.
The Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta quoted a Russian law enforcement source as saying that during a six-month visit to Dagestan in 2012, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was seen "more than once" meeting with Makhmud Mansur Nidal, suspected of being part of a rebel group that previously had planted two bombs in the Dagestani capital of Makhachkala.”
So, here we have additional input to the growing list of information gained every day, that whether or not the two suspects acted alone or not, it’s far, far to soon to rush to any kind of conclusion. Yet, the first though of a purely politically-motivated administration is to maintain their unproven premise that terrorism is not involved, whereas if it was they’d be guilty of another misjudgment, coming right on the heels of the Benghazi foul-up. Consequently, I have to ask just how many times do you have to keep making the same mistake and trying to cover it, before you grow up and admit you're wrong? 
That's it for today folks.

Monday, April 29, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/29/2013

Today’s another with items to be added to my growing list of questions regarding what needs to be done to curtail politicians from making decisions on a purely self-serving basis, totally ignoring the welfare of the nation and its population.
Only yesterday I mentioned Eris Holder’s contention that American “civil rights” be granted to illegal aliens. That premise is so far away from the objectives and intentions of our founding fathers that I ran out of words to describe the magnitude of disrespect Holder has for each and every citizen having been born here, or otherwise properly earning the honor. 
The inanity here was similar to the raid in Benghazi, where politics caused the administration to fill the airwaves with scads of liars while preferring to weaken the nation’s foreign outposts to please misguided constituents, rather than protecting the lives of our dedicated diplomats.
Then there are the cases of raising taxes on the “rich” purely for ideological purposes, regardless that this has caused unemployment to remain at unnecessary highs, choked business growth and development and forced huge overseas investment that should be made here.
Beyond that, almost too misguided and illogical from a business standpoint to believe, the administration would rather plunge the nation into $17 billion in debt than relax moronic regulations prohibiting growth. So they’re collecting pennies in fines while countless, taxable dollars will never be made due to upside-down philosophical beliefs about redistribution of wealth.
At the same time, these same zealots stand by and watch as the greatest healthcare system on the planet implodes from a program jerry-rigged together by platoons of card-carrying morons. In effect, permitting the government to reformulate something as important as this is like allowing a zoo-full of baboons to take over NASA.
And now today we’re seeing increasing concerns about how the terrorist attack in Boston’s being handled. Because the rush to cut off discussion of potential involvement by other subversives wouldn’t look good for an administration that said terrorism ended with the demise of bin Laden.
However, despite the continual attempts to cover-up and confuse any happening that might refute the BS emanating from the White House, even Democrats although their words are chosen quite carefully, are beginning to suspect the Boston attack might be more involved.

There are many examples on the web, but I chose this one at random from Fox News on-line: “California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, also a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the suspects being linked to a major terror group appears unlikely.

However, he told CNN’s “State of the Union: "It does look like a lot of radicalization was self-radicalization online, but we don't know the full answers yet."

And there’s the nub of the whole situation.

Whereas we truly don’t know yet, why has it been decided that these two subversives acted alone? What was the reason for the rush to judgment? Well, we all know the answer to that one, so I won’t write another three pages here.

But, coming back to my original point and the preceding examples, I sincerely believe there has to be some mechanism created to prevent pure politicians with no governance skills, experience or capabilities from destroying a nation purely for ideological and/or personal reasons. 
And, while up to now, most of the colossal mistakes and misjudgments are likely curable in time, with our cities now at stake to bombers, critical decision making is required from qualified experts, not more biased campaign speeches made on stumps. 
That’s it for today folks.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/28/2013

I’m still siting here fuming about Eric Holder’s contention that illegal slugs sliming over our borders and oozing under our fences have the same “civil rights” as those who play by our rules, pay the support of the worthless invader’s and have to watch as the nation drops to third world status. I also think we’d all certainly be better off if the situation were simply reversed and Holder was deported to some other nation whose citizens he obviously loves more than ours.
There was also another example today of our government's mindset to pursue issues benefitting its causes, valid or not, regardless of cost, truths or damage done to taxpaying citizens paying the freight stemming from fraudulent political endeavors.
According to Real Science on-line, via Drudge we are amidst the “Second Coldest Start To Spring In US History. The only year when the spring started colder was 1975.”
Aside from completely disparaging the global warming farce with its documented information, the site included two extremely appropriate quotes I’ve never seen before, one going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson who said: “Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should all want for bread.”
The other came from Richard Feynman, as follows: "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts"
And lastly today, according to Fox News online, “Republicans and Democrats joined forces to add $436 million to the military's budget over the past two years for dozens of improved versions of the 70-ton Abrams that Army officials say they don't need.
Keeping the Abrams production line rolling protects businesses and good paying jobs in congressional districts that are home to the tank's many suppliers.
Lawmakers also say more tanks are good for national security.”
So, while the population suffers from higher taxes, the sequester  selectively cuts programs and services most likely to cause the most pain to the public, and illegals cost several billions annually, these self-serving dregs in Congress throw another half-billion down the drain.
And as for me, I seem to be including the thought more and more frequently that as a writer and one who works with words all days, I can’t even begin to describe how low those holding office have proven to be. Because however far down the humanity scale they slide today, tomorrow they’ll be even lower than that.
That’s it for today folks.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

BloggeRhythms 2/27/2013

I have very little doubt that even beyond the White House, just about the whole Dem party wants to see open borders because all those illegals tend to lean politically to the left, in one way or another helping perpetuate their cause. 
As a result, Dem's have discarded the idea that citizenship is something to be valued, ignored the belief that it’s supposed to be earned and refute the idea that the process of naturalization has a purpose worthy of the work required to reach a lofty goal. 
At the same time, while wishing to grant all those brazen enough to break our immigration laws a free ride -whereas they become beneficiaries by default of those who directly or inadvertently cover their costs via taxes- Dem’s simultaneously insult, degrade, demean and devalue the citizenship of all those who’ve obtained it legally by birth or appropriate process, lowering the long-standing standards by dilution.
However, as grossly insulting as the preceding is to all those who truly value their citizenship and object to attempts to decrease its worth while reducing its status, the administration further clarified yesterday just how little they care about what true citizenship is worth. Because apparently, in their eyes, anyone subversively entering the nation and managing to stay here illegally for a while automatically becomes an equal to those who’ve obeyed every law and held its values in the highest regard. 
According to Fox Nation on-line via Drudge: ”During an April 24th speech to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Attorney General Eric Holder said that creating a "pathway to earned citizenship" was a "civil right.” 
According to Holder "Creating a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country is essential. The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights. It is about who we are as a nation. And it goes to the core of our treasured American principle of equal opportunity."
Now, despite the fact that I write about these kinds of things every day and have some familiarity with our language as a result, I didn’t want to simply trust my memory, so I looked the subject up.
According to the dictionary, “civil rights” are “The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination.”
Consequently, I would think that the nation’s top attorney would know for sure, that according to our nation’s constitution, no less, these fence-busting illegal drains on our society have no American civil rights at all  Beyond that, in his last sentence, the “American principle of equal opportunity,” he spoke of also applies to citizens and isn’t an open door for anyone at all to slither through any time they choose. Because, as far as I know, at the moment, the nation still belongs to us, its LEGAL, LAW ABIDING, CITIZENS.
That’s it for today folks.

Friday, April 26, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/26/2013

I sometimes wonder if it’s the climate that dims Californian's wits, or are they incredibly dense before they arrive there. Because if you want to see what someplace looks like when governed by people unable to rationalize, the golden state’s the place to go.
Earlier this week in Sacramento, a bill passed a legislative committee saying homeless people would be allowed to sit, sleep and panhandle in public. According to state Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a Democrat from San Francisco, “every person has a right to use public spaces, regardless of housing status.”
Then on Thursday, according to the Associated Press via Fox News on-line, “The California Assembly passed a bill that would make the state the first in the nation to allow non-citizens who are in the country legally to serve on jury duty.”
In this case, “Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski, also a Democrat but from Fremont, said his bill, “would help California widen the pool of prospective jurors and help integrate immigrants into the community.”
In looking at both of these situations, there’s a fundamental theme that I simply don’t understand. Because this nation was built by the drive, ambition, talent and dedication of the most productive, successful people on earth. And, I believe, it was those qualities among many other good ones, that caused the U.S. to become the standard for the world in just over 200 years, not very long compared to other places, like Europe, Asia, Africa or South America for instance which are all still colossal failures as is practically everywhere else on the map.
And since that’s the case, why do Democrats work so hard to try to undo it, weaken our country, lower the standards and give away as much as they can to losers from what's been achieved and earned by the best among us?
As far as I’m concerned, I frankly don’t care what Dem’s give away. In fact they can eliminate laws altogether and donate every penny they have to whoever they want. Just so long as what they fritter is theirs and comes out of their personal pockets. But if they want to give away what’s mine and let bums, derelicts and worthless wino’s  sleep on my street, they better have shotguns and body armor, because they’re going to need both to get anywhere close to my house alive.   
Along the same lines, regarding the misguided mindset of Dem’s, according to CNBC via Drudge, GDP for the 1st quarter was poor at 2.5%.  However, consumer spending was up. 
And then the report got into why consumer spending rose. “Much of the gains in first-quarter spending came from automobile purchases and outlays for utilities, which were boosted by unusually cold temperatures. 
So, once again the global-warmist’s and climate change fabricators took a shot in the shorts, but still, I’m sure, won’t give up. Because there’s just too many bucks at stake in this fraud and folks like AlGore will keep up the sham as long as there’s still another nickel to steal from the gullible public, aided by an administration all too happy to rip off their share of the theft. 
In regard to the administration, I often note how poor the quality of choices are for government posts of almost any kind. And then it hit me again today when I read about B. Todd Jones, a Minnesota federal prosecutor, serving as acting director of the ATF until  final approval as its head.   
In this guy’s case, according to Fox: allegations against his nomination include claims that in his prior post “he mismanaged the prosecutor's office and presided over a "climate of fear." Specifically, he was accused of retaliating against whistle-blowing with "a suspension and a lowered performance appraisal." 
A letter, obtained by FoxNews.com, dated July 20, 2012 to the Office of Special Counsel, employees at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota first claimed that they were being mistreated and that the office had turned into a “hostile work environment.”
It was also claimed that Jones “instituted a climate of fear, has pushed employees out of the office, dismissed employees wrongly, violated the hiring practices of the EEOC and put in place an Orwellian style of management that continues to polarize the office." 
The letter also asked the OSC to “come to this office and investigate the actions of not only B. Todd Jones, but those who he has put in positions that further his dictator style and created this atmosphere of fear among us.”
So, as I pondered this one It served as one more proof that government in general attracts the worst of the worst, which makes sense because its primarily a brain-dead endeavor, but I’d have to think that there must be something that can be done about the situation  aside from elections.
But then, another item began to lift my spirits because according to Reuters via Drudge, reported by Jennifer Saba: “The New York Times Co. reported a decline in quarterly revenue on weak advertising sales but said it would try to grow out of the slump by expanding its suite of digital products.”
She goes on that: “The 11.2 percent drop in advertising revenue in the first quarter underscores the pressure that the New York Times faces to increase its subscription revenue, especially for its digital products, and find new veins of income.” 
So, here we have the media arm of the administration, and almost all Dem causes, losing subscribers by the boatload which means that perhaps folks are getting tired of being buried in slanted pap and are seeking the truth someplace else.
Thus tying this together with the wheels coming off the economy -except for bucks spent because of a colder climate- and add to that the migration from places like California due to excess taxation and moronic legislation, coupled with completely ridiculous governmental appointments, I begin to think that this administration's chances of imploding aren't really unrealistic. And that to me says, since like always, sooner or later bad guys finish last, we seem to have a very good and growing reason for hope.
That’s it for today folks.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/25/2013

As regular readers know, I’ve been mentioning the dumbing down of our population for a a very long time now. Without going into repetitive detail, main causes of the depth of ignorance include a continual decrease in the substance of education along with mass media that have become politically biased flaks, filtering their reporting to suit their editorial agendas rather than delivering plain, unvarnished fact.
I bring this subject again today because of the tragedy in Boston and how it’s been generally reported to date.
Thanks to media bias, things like the administration’s refusal to permit opening of the Keystone pipeline while employing every available means to deter or halt drilling here at home, much of the public’s prevented from learning the truth’s while paying about three times as much for fuel as they should.
Along the same lines, over-regulation by a burgeoning bureaucracy coupled with health-care requirements preventing business growth and hiring have cased economic stagnation and a real unemployment rate of more than 12%. With  25% or more jobless among recent grads. Nonetheless, these factors are glossed over in the media, and wherever possible, totally ignored. 
In recent days, despite media attempts to suppress or tailor the facts, its becoming more evident as to how badly handled the Benghazi attack was by the State Department overall, and particularly the Secretary herself. And this situation is but one in a host of cases mishandled all over the globe, including Turkey, Syria and Israel.
While the forgoing list could easily go on to include the totally mismanaged national debt, unbridled printing of money by the Fed which will soon cause the entire economy to implode, and the dollars wasted on non-existent global warming, I‘ll now come back to my original point. 
It’s one thing for the media to gloss over or distort the preceding issues, and for the most part, I think the intelligent portion of the public knows how to learn truths despite what they’re told via media pap. But, whatever the case, each of the subjects mentioned, although far more painful than need be, is generally survivable by most.
However, the Boston tragedy is in a far different category. Because this one involves terrorism and a direct assault on our population by perpetrators planning to inflict as much harm as they possibly could.
Therefore, the administration's sending a judge to insure that further questioning of the surviving perpetrator is so far beyond an inane mistake, I have to believe that the only reason could possibly be a direct step to shut off talk of terrorism, whereas the incumbent has stated that with the demise of bin Laden, terrorism no longer exists.
And since it’s highly likely that that’s the case, it would seem that the mass media would be all over something as blatantly political as that. But since they see themselves as integral parts of the reshaping of the nation’s social structure, they willingly risk the lives and welfare of countless citizens rather than disclosing facts indicating the administration's decisions are abjectly wrong and their ideology’s worthless. 
As for myself, I don’t believe there’s a quick fix to all that’s been done to try to reduce the nation to third world status. However, the administration's mistakes and misjudgments seem to be getting bigger with time. Therefore, the chances seem to be getting greater that it will, sooner or later, likely undo itself altogether, whether the media reports it or not. And when that happens, the facts of the matter will loudly speak for themselves.
That’s it for today folks.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/24/2012

As things begin settling down after the Boston tragedy, two items appeared in the news which shouldn’t go by unnoticed.
According to Fox News on-line: “Newly released documents show that the Obama administration was warned as early as 2010 that electric car maker Fisker Automotive Inc. was not meeting milestones set up for a half-billion dollar government loan, nearly a year before U.S. officials froze the loan after questions were raised about the company's statements.
An Energy Department official said in a June 2010 email that Fisker's bid to draw on the federal loan may be jeopardized for failure to meet goals established by the Energy Department.
The potential loss of $171 million would be the largest loss of federal loan money since the 2011 failure of solar panel maker Solyndra, which declared bankruptcy and laid off all its workers after receiving a $528 million loan from the Energy Department”
So, here we have almost 3/4 of a billion taxpayer dollars thrown away for just about no reason at all, other than political pandering, while three and four hour waits are occurring all over the nation due to sequester budget cuts for folks needing to fly.
Then there’s this item by Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times via Drudge which says, “House Republicans have concluded that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies bear no blame for failing to halt the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year, releasing a report Tuesday that said President Obama and the State Department set up the military for failure.
The report also found that plenty of intelligence presaged the attack, but the White House and State Department — including the secretary at the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton — failed to heed the warnings.”
I’ve included a link because the story contains substantial detail regarding Hillary that shouldn’t be forgotten or overlooked, even though she incurred that debilitating head boo-boo when she tripped: House GOP concludes Clinton blew Benghazi response
I wanted to include these items because, as they say, it’s the little things that count. And as far as this administration goes it’s the huge, incredibly damaging errors that occur so frequently there’s a good chance we’ll forget the small ones that also add up to billions of thrown away taxpayer bucks. Overall, there have been by far the worst policy and fiscal decisions made since Jimmy Carter.
And that brings me back to another of my continuing themes. Because as a practical matter, what could any reasonable person expect when an inexperienced, misguided amateur street-corner politician without a shred of credentials gets elected to the most important position on earth? 
But what all this goes a long way to demonstrate is just how solid, self-reliant and thoroughly competent the productive half of our society is. Because those of us in that group are still chugging along, albeit much harder to do with all the inane Dem imposed hurdles, despite how diligently the other half's trying to destroy us. Which I guess goes to prove that except for national elections, Dem's as a whole are the biggest, most incompetent, unqualified losers that ever lived. 
That’s it for today folks.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/23/2012

If Republicans are half as intelligent as they'd like us to believe, it should be clear to them, as I’ve noted often before, that the administration is rapidly self-destructing. Consequently, it might be best if they simply left the White House alone and picked up the pieces later on, after the debacle’s over. 
In that regard, an item today on Fox News on-line says that: “The federal agency charged with implementing the Affordable Care Act announced a multimillion-dollar public relations contract last week in order to convince people to join the program and keep it from collapsing.”
It seems that, “Enrollment in Obamacare's health insurance exchanges is lagging, raising concerns about the viability of the exchanges, which are the law's primary means of delivering health insurance. The bill's congressional architects have warned the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may be unable to establish a functional health insurance marketplace.”
Therefore, “HHS announced on Friday it would pay public relations firm Weber Shandwick $8 million to promote enrollment in Obamacare's exchanges.”
The article then quotes Ben Domenech, “a health care expert with the Heartland Institute’” who said, “Problems with implementation of the law could "scare off" some health care consumers who are already confused by the government-led overhaul of the nation's health care system.”
And here’s the clincher from Mr. Domenech: "Obamacare's functional defects are becoming a liability, and the train wreck is getting closer, so the administration wants to get as many people dependent on it as fast as possible when it launches, whether the exchanges and other systems are ready for them or not.”
So, here we have another $8 million dollars thrown away to support a broken program that was destined to fail from the git-go. But that’s what happens when political ideology is first and foremost, regardless of cost and the damage done to the population or nation.
Then coming right on the heels of the latest healthcare failure, is the news, also from Fox, that “The Pentagon long has battled with Congress over politically sensitive spending cuts. But this year, military officials say Congress' refusal to retire ships and aircraft means the Navy and Air Force are spending roughly $5 billion more than they would if they were allowed to make the cuts. In some cases Congress restored funds to compensate for the changes, but the result overall was lost savings.”
The article then points out that, “In other cases, frustrated military leaders quietly complained that they were being forced to furlough civilians, ground Air Force training flights and delay or cancel ship deployments to the Middle East and South America, while Congress refuses to accept savings in other places that could ease those pains.”
Since the article contains lot’s of other interesting data on how politics overrides common and fiscal sense, further illustrating that the nation’s financial woes are caused more by a misguided administration than actual economic trends, I’ve included a link you can click on: Congress forcing military to keep unwanted assets, programs despite spending cuts, report says
Another example of putting ideology before practicality, common financial sense or the needs and comforts of the public, was posted on foxnews.com via Drudge today.   
The item notes that, Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, “said last week that the FAA "has made zero effort" to avoid [employee] furloughs. The FAA's decision is a dangerous political stunt that could jeopardize the safety and security of air travelers."
The article continues with, “Travelers could be in for longer waits at the airport this week, after the Federal Aviation Administration imposed furloughs on air traffic controllers despite claims by some lawmakers that the agency could have complied with the sequester in other ways.”
I’ve included a link to this item too: Lawmakers decry 'stunt'
Lastly, I might be proving that the adage, “politics makes strange bedfellows” is true. Because apparently Mayor Bloomberg with whom I’ve almost no agreement on anything, picked up on my view regarding the Boston tragedy.
According to Jill Colvin, of the Observer’s “Politicker” column, via Drudge, “In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.”
The item continued that: “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”
So, here we have a guy who believes in a nanny state, creating legislation to impose his personal beliefs and views on everyone else, which I strongly disagree with whereas I believe folks should be free to think for themselves, finally suggesting a Constitutional change that makes absolute sense.
Because, as I keep repeating, its’ beyond comprehension to me that dolts like Levin, Feinstein, Reid and Pelosi and certainly the incumbent himself, put party and ideology above real-time situations and practical, common sense. 
But, perhaps now there’ll be more people like Bloomberg, taking a stance and acknowledging that some things need changing to catch up with the realities of the modern world. And, as for me, I certainly hope so, because if left at it is to these biased incompetents now in D.C. our chances of prosperity, and perhaps even survival, are quickly diminishing altogether.
That’s it for today folks.

Monday, April 22, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/22/2013

As conditions across the nation continue to decline in almost every aspect of life, its becoming increasingly clear how much of that downturn is caused by people in positions of responsibility that are clearly incapable of handling the tasks they’re charged with.
The paradox in leadership itself isn’t that odd, whereas throughout history there have been those elected or anointed to positions considerably beyond their capabilities. However, the world’s growing today at an incredibly fast pace, far more’s at stake than ever before and instant electronic communication permits people everywhere to receive, absorb and react to information virtually instantaneously.
In light of how far and fast technology and communication have advanced, and the opportunities that presents for those who wish to do harm, I would imagine that factor would be considered in the case of the captured terrorist bomber in Boston.
Consequently, before decisions are made as to how, where, when and under what conditions the judicial process should proceed, I’d expect every avenue would be left open, up to and including determining whether or not a special  case can be made under the circumstances extant. And if that means delaying, or perhaps even eventually completely denying, the suspect Miranda rights until what actually took place is known, so be it.
However, the first suggestions to move with caution by Republicans were immediately rebuffed by the likes of Carl Levin, and now Dianne Feinstein, who’ve both taken a completely partisan approach whereby they’d prefer to risk never finding what or whoever might also be behind Monday’s tragic event simply because the attempts came from the other political party.
Now, as stated at the start, most folks, including myself, certainly understand that there are major differences in how the nation functions and reacts predicated on which party has power and control. And, for the most part, the population proceeds in a manner that’s best for them individually, adapted to the framework established by those in office.
However, although the adaptation may be perturbing, and sometimes quite costly as well, the population usually rides the situation out and protects itself until such time as the electorate selects others who’ll straighten things out.
But, this time around it’s a very different political situation.
Because this doesn’t just concern what tax bills will be, or whether or not folks can find full time jobs, or rising costs of health care, as examples of things today being used as pure political tools. This situation affects the safety and lives of people everywhere in the nation. And until or unless the truth’s learned of the depth of what and who’s involved, we’re all at extreme risk. 
So, I think it’s time that the Dem’s wake up, grow into their jobs, and for most of them just step back, shut up and let law enforcement, espionage, and terrorism  professionals determine what needs to done to protect our nation by learning every detail the perp in custody in Boston can tell them.
Because this should not be a case of trying to appeal to a political base, or using a tragedy to impress constituents with just how liberal one can be. In this situation, it’s imperative to learn precisely what happened, how and why, regardless of how the information’s obtained. And if not, my guess is there will be plenty more horror to come. And no political party or posture on earth is more important than preventing that from ever happening.
That’s it for today folks.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/21/2013

As mentioned often before, I’ve no particular political bent, but write much about politico’s because they continually appear in the news and have so much influence on all of our lives. I do, however, tend to favor Republican thinking where the economy’s concerned because more of them have an understanding of how it really works.
I also find that Democrats seem to function in a world they desire to live in, even though it doesn’t exist. And while facing documented facts, results and data proving their theories are incorrect, they nonetheless keep repeating the same mistakes. Exactly as described by Einstein, who believed “insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
In trying to figure out how politicians in particular could be so functionally inefficient and ill informed regarding reality, I’ve lately started to look up their bio’s for background information. Because although I’m well aware that the incumbent has no experience whatsoever that could possibly prepare him for the job he now holds, and evidently hasn’t learned much more while in office, I also wonder about many others. For example, just last week discovering that this Schultz woman in Florida has no practical experience either, but still makes important decisions without compunction, greatly harming her state and constituents.
I bring this subject up today because many Republicans correctly feel that the surviving Boston bomber should be held as an enemy combatant, giving law enforcement and government an opportunity to question him without his being able to employ Miranda rights, thereby remaining silent and immediately engaging a lawyer.
Now, although this seems logical to me, whereas there seems to be enough information available to at least not rush into some kind of knee-jerk reaction before determining how to proceed, this democrat senator, Carl Milton Levin, began spouting yesterday that he hadn’t seen enough evidence indicating that the two perps in Boston didn’t act alone and therefore thinks they're entitled to Miranda protection.
So, once again, I sat in wonder as to how a supposedly intelligent person, a senator no less, could immediately decide that a potential terrorist should be afforded legal protection, giving away the chance to reverse that decision once it’s made, while knowing absolutely nothing about what actually happened or how many others might be involved. And that’s when I decided to look Levin up.
According to Wikipedia, “Born June 28, 1934, [he’s] an American politician who serves as the senior United States Senator from Michigan, serving since 1979. He is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and is a member of the Democratic Party.”
It continues “Born in Detroit, Michigan, Levin is the graduate of Swarthmore College and Harvard Law School. He worked as the General Counsel of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission from 1964 to 1967, and as a special assistant attorney general for the Michigan Attorney General's Office. Levin was elected to the Detroit City Council in 1968, serving from 1969 to 1977, and was president of the City Council from 1973 to 1977.”
So, here’s another lifelong politician with no training, background or experience providing him with the knowledge required to formulate an intelligent decision on the aspects of terrorism this suspect might be involved in. And before even taking the time to make an informed decision, this senator decided it’s okay with him if the suspect lawyers up, shutting off any hope of learning the real truth from him.
As for me, I don’t know what the answer is, but there’s a major flaw in our system when simply because enough folks voted for a moron, the rest of the nation faces the perils that incompetence creates. And, who knows, we might even see the day when a know-nothing, uneducable zealot gained enough power to sink our economy, destroy our foreign policy, force unemployment through the roof while destroying the greatest health care system in the world and depleting our military capability at the same time.
But I think I’m probably overreacting because what I just wrote couldn’t possibly happen here, could it?
That’s it for today folks.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/20/2013

Media everywhere today is flooded with stories, data and information regarding the Boston marathon tragedy. The subject itself is something about which I have no real expertise, and there are far better sources of input than I could ever offer.
However, while watching news reports all week, and the final capture taking place this morning, a series of questions arose in my mind about the entire scenario.
Fully realizing that the cold-blooded murder of three innocent human beings, one an eight year old child, and injuries to more than 180 others is of catastrophic proportion, I have to ask: What did these deranged, maniacal perpetrators actually accomplish?
Although it’s certainly true that they shut down a major city for almost a week, Boston is not only already up and running again, it’s people are closer together and tighter knit than they’ve been in years. Perhaps, ever.
Security in other major cities will now be raised to an even higher level than exists now, already extremely tight, while the monitoring of public events will increase as well.
Beyond that, laws will be amended to allow closer scrutiny and actions against persons of interest in any kind of potential terrorist activity anywhere in the nation, making it far more difficult for others planning any kind of harmful action.
Furthermore, now that it’s known that perpetrators of this sort may wait for many years, during which time they keep a clean slate, before taking any kind of purposeful action, foreigners now will face increased surveillance as a deterrent.
So, as I said at the outset today, although this kind of situation is considerably beyond my understanding or level of knowledge, if I could come up with the preceding list of future precautions, which likely doesn’t even scratch the surface of what experts will accomplish, it seems to me that these two animals in Boston set their cause back considerably by their actions.
And although “terrorist“ is the term used to describe them, it seems to me the situation’s actually the reverse. Because the nation’s population not only isn’t terrorized, on one hand it’s elated that the two have been stopped. And on the other it’s angry, resentful and enraged, looking for ways to retaliate and prevent horrors like this in the future. So, in the grander scheme of things, I think these two in Boston have set their compatriots back considerably across the nation, likely the complete and utter opposite of what they wished to accomplish.
That’s it for today folks.

Friday, April 19, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/19/2012

Two news items today made me stop and wonder if politicians, especially those of the Dem variety, learn to enjoy sounding incredibly dense, or perhaps they’re born that way. I really don’t know or care which premise is true, but I find it incredible that most of those holding office don’t seem to care about appearing to be uninformed, intellectual dwarfs.
The first example was particularly interesting to me because it concerned the Drudge Report website, which most readers know is a regular, reliable source of information which I often use. In fact, I found the item I’m about to type about there just now.
According to Charlie Spiering, Commentary Staff Writer for The Examiner via Drudge: “During a House hearing this morning, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano criticized the Drudge Report for highlighting stories about the department’s purchases of ammunition and MRAP (mine-resistant, ambush protected) vehicles.”
Republican Representative, Jeff Duncan, of South Carolina asked her about reports from Forbes magazine and other stories linked on Drudge, saying, “You know, when Forbes magazine or Drudge or some reputable news sources start to repeat the numbers … the numbers cease to become Internet rumors, and they start having some credibility.” He also questioned the “long delay” from the DHS to clarify the numbers.
She replied by saying that “I will tell you, we found it so inherently unbelievable that statements would be made, it was hard to ascribe credibility to them. I don’t know if I’d put Forbes and Drudge in the same sentence.”
And that was what really struck me, because all that Drudge actually does is provide links to stories appearing in print all over the world. Whatever’s contained in those stories is written and posted by the publications involved, and Drudge doesn’t add, delete or edit a single word. Beyond that, if you scroll all the links included, you’ll find every opinion, slant, position and ideology there is from Fox News to The New York Times and even CNN.
So, once more we have a politician nailed to the wall who tries to dodge, avert and avoid her own missteps by blaming the sources that exposed her. However, thanks to sites like Drudge, all she did was take something bad and make it worse for herself, because there are still folks who know how to read in the world.
Along the same lines of political double-talk, Colin Campbell of Politicker, also via Drudge, quoted NY Governor, Andrew Cuomo, as saying, “It’s a terrible situation in Boston. And, unfortunately, … one gets the sense that this is more reflective of the ‘new normal,’ if you will. So much of society is changing so rapidly. We talk about a ‘new normal’ when it comes to climate change and adjusting to a change in the weather patterns. ‘New normal’ when it comes to public security in a post-9/11 world. Where these random acts of violence, which at one time were implausible, now seem all-too-frequent.”
In this case, just like that bozo Barney Frank tried on Tuesday, Cuomo slanted his comments on the Boston tragedy to further his case on non-existent global-warming. And naturally, he referred to the issue as “climate change,” whereas that seems to be the new code since more and more experts are exposing the whole warming issue as a complete and total farce.
But, as I’ve been noting for a long time now, this incredible need politico’s have to foist their hare-brained opinions and beliefs on others seems a very strange desire to me. Because all you have to do is learn of their misguided tendencies to realize that most of them are usually wrong about most things the vast majority of the time.
And, since that’s generally the case, what is it about them that continually drives them to try to take others down the chute with them and why can’t they just go so somewhere else far away together and leave the rest of us alone?
That’s it for today folks.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/18/2013

Just what is it about Dem politicians that makes them believe their ideas and opinions are superior to anyone else’s, even when every shred of evidence proves conclusively that they’re wrong?
Yesterday, they were set back once more when the Senate voted 54-46 against their proposal to expand background checks to gun shows and Internet sales, while exempting personal transactions. They needed 60 yea votes to pass.
The most amazing thing to me, though, is that after losing the vote because Senators actually listen to their constituents and therefore shot down the idea (pun intended,) according to Foxnews.com: “The supporters of new gun control legislation are vowing to ramp up their campaign for expanded background checks despite suffering a major defeat. Threatening to overpower the gun lobby even if it takes years.”
While the legislation itself makes very little sense to me -serving no purpose at all against crime or violence- I simply can’t understand why these anti-gun nimwits keep willingly walking into the same walls. And what’s more, according to Gallup yesterday, 94% of the public don’t believe guns are an issue at all.
I also did a little brain exercise, asking myself whom I had more respect for if on one side there were the the nation’s Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution, all of them having no problem whatsoever with weapons, and on the other was Cuomo, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Reid and the incumbent himself. The answer is so obviously ridiculous, its almost not worth the keystrokes, but I have to admit, it’s a pretty funny comparison despite being so desperately sad as to what “leadership’s” sunk to.
Along the same lines, while pondering the incumbent’s response from the Rose Garden which “sought to shame those who voted against the background check plan and accused the gun lobby of lying about the bill to scare lawmakers,” I wondered exactly how this guy who has no real background on the subject at all, got the input to form an opinion, if he truly has one at all. And also, where’d he magically get the knowledge to lead our military, considering he’s got no visible personal knowledge of what they do either, nor how the economy works or how health care actually functions.
And speaking of health care a major wheel began squeaking yesterday when, also according to Fox, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana, told Obama's health care chief during a routine budget hearing that "I just see a huge train wreck coming down" for Obamacare.
The Senator pointed out several huge problems in the program, mostly stemming from the inability to manage this huge socialistic attempt at redistribution, although he didn’t put it that way even though its likely what he was thinking.
I’ve included a link so you can read the short, informative article yourself.Top Dem Sen. Baucus warns of 'train wreck' for Obama health law
So, all in all, not a good day for the incumbent. And what’s even better for us, the odds are that things will continue falling apart on his watch. But that’s what happens when a pure politician gets elected to a post a thousand miles above his capabilities.
Yet, as I asked at the beginning today, what is it about Democrats that they keep failing over and over but never learn an iota from their horrendous, hopelessly misguided mistakes? When you boil it all down, these people have to be dumber than rocks.
That’s it for today folks.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/17/2013

Sometimes, I’m really very slow on the uptake and totally miss the obvious as a result. And I’m pretty sure that’s what happened yesterday.

I was so incensed by Barney Frank’s blatant politicizing of the Boston tragedy to promote the Dem’s failed tax and spend agenda, that I think I misread the case entirely. Because, after thinking his comments over again, it occurred to me that there’s a very good chance that he didn’t come up with the idea alone, the push probably came right from the top in D.C.

As a practical matter, although the incumbent wouldn't likely come out himself so soon to try and use the situation to bolster his failing gun control and increasing taxation fixations, I’m sure he also wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to fuel his causes. And rather than have some Dem politician of importance who’s still in office take the risks of what might be an unpopular position, instead turn to a washed-up has-been like Frank whereas he has absolutely nothing to lose by sounding like a total, self-serving yutz like he always did before.

And that, is probably exactly what happened yesterday.

Along the same lines of people who serve no real purpose, yet use any forum they can to shoot their mouths off (no pun intended,) there’s some guy I never heard of named Jay Mohr who I came across on Drudge.

A posted article says he’s an “actor and comedian [who] waded into the gun debate on Twitter after Monday’s deadly terrorist attacks at the Boston Marathon.”

Here’s what he said: “What bothers me most about today is that we’re getting used 2 it. ENOUGH. 2nd amendment must go. Violence has 2 stop. Culture MUST change.”

Now, it might behoove this guy to try and grasp the facts of exactly what took place in Boston on Monday. Especially since the tragedy involved bombs comprised of kitchen pressure cookers packed with explosives, nails and other lethal shrapnel, but no guns at all.

So, here we have one more show business type using his celebrity status, assuming he has one, to make and underline a completely invalid point.

And just to add the following because it was posted only yesterday: According to Michael James of CNSNews.com, also via Drudge, “Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt.”

Here are some key statistics from the poll as to what citizens care about most:

Economy in general 24%, Unemployment/Jobs 18%, Dissatisfaction with Government 16%, Federal budget deficit/Federal debt 11%, Healthcare 6%, Guns/Gun control 4%

Consequently, perhaps this Mohr guy, and the incumbent as well, might give some thought to the fact that not only are the overwhelming majority of American adults mature and intelligent enough to handle and care for weapons properly and pose no threat to anyone else whatsoever, the general public also must believe that's so because they obviously aren't worried about it. 

They also both might want to consider that gun control laws do nothing to deter those truly wishing  to do harm to others. And if tightened control was really the answer, they both should now go out and confiscate all pots, pans, ball bearings and nails.

That’s it for today folks.


BloggeRhythms 4/17/2013

Sometimes, I’m really very slow on the uptake and totally miss the obvious as a result. And I’m pretty sure that’s what happened yesterday.
I was so incensed by Barney Frank’s blatant politicizing of the Boston tragedy to promote the Dem’s failed tax and spend agenda, that I think I misread the case entirely. Because, after thinking his comments over again, it occurred to me that there’s a very good chance that he didn’t come up with the idea alone, the push probably came right from the top in D.C.
As a practical matter, although the incumbent wouldn't likely come out himself so soon to try and use the situation to bolster his failing gun control and increasing taxation fixations, I’m sure he also wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to fuel his causes. And rather than have some Dem politician of importance who’s still in office take the risks of what might be an unpopular position, instead turn to a washed-up has-been like Frank whereas he has absolutely nothing to lose by sounding like a total, self-serving yutz like he always did before.
And that, is probably exactly what happened yesterday.
Along the same lines of people who serve no real purpose, yet use any forum they can to shoot their mouths off (no pun intended,) there’s some guy I never heard of named Jay Mohr who I came across on Drudge.   
A posted article says he’s an “actor and comedian [who] waded into the gun debate on Twitter after Monday’s deadly terrorist attacks at the Boston Marathon.”
Here’s what he said: “What bothers me most about today is that we’re getting used 2 it. ENOUGH. 2nd amendment must go. Violence has 2 stop. Culture MUST change.”
Now, it might behoove this guy to try and grasp the facts of exactly what took place in Boston on Monday. Especially since the tragedy involved bombs comprised of kitchen pressure cookers packed with explosives, nails and other lethal shrapnel, but no guns at all.
So, here we have one more show business type using his celebrity status, assuming he has one, to make and underline a completely invalid point.
And just to add the following because it was posted only yesterday: According to Michael James of CNSNews.com, also via Drudge, “Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt.”
Here are some key statistics from the poll as to what citizens care about most:
Economy in general 24%, Unemployment/Jobs 18%, Dissatisfaction with Government 16%, Federal budget deficit/Federal debt 11%, Healthcare 6%, Guns/Gun control 4%
Consequently, perhaps this Mohr guy, and the incumbent as well, might give some thought to the fact that not only are the overwhelming majority of American adults mature and intelligent enough to handle and care for weapons properly and pose no threat to anyone else whatsoever, the general public also must believe that's so because they obviously aren't worried about it. 
They also both might want to consider that gun control laws do nothing to deter those truly wishing  to do harm to others. And if tightened control was really the answer, they both should now go out and confiscate all pots, pans, ball bearings and nails.
That’s it for today folks.