Much of the news still regards the incumbent’s disastrous showing in Wednesday’s debate premiere. And while extremely bored with the subject myself, I did read several stories on-line, one of which stood out.
A Breitbart News headline on Drudge stated “Obama Hopes to Calm Panicked Hollywood During Latest La-La-Land Fundraiser.” And, after reading about the panic spreading throughout that group, I realized I actually have no understanding at all as to why those folks hate Republicans so much. So I looked the answer up.
The best rationale I found was posted by a blogger identifying himself very sparsely as a Colorado investment banker. I've posted basically what he wrote, though editing some words but not the meaning or substance, as follows:
“I do have one theory as to why there is this hatred. I think it has to do with a misunderstanding of the term Conservative and liberal. I think people tend to confuse the political term Liberal and pop culture term liberal. My understanding of the political term “Liberal” is, in a very abbreviated description, big government, higher taxes, and socialized programs. Now my understanding of the pop culture term Liberal is free spirited, easy going, and independent. To me that seems to sum it up pretty well.”
The banker then went on: “Now I think most people tend to confuse these terms, most Liberals thinking that politically Liberal is the same as pop culturally Liberal. So, most in Hollywood think that if you are politically liberal it means you are for personal freedom, and independence. However, in reality that’s the general definition of a Conservative. Conservatives in the traditional political sense are more about personal freedom, less government control, and independence.“
He then concludes with, “So it is with this misconception that traditional conservatives are demonized into gun toting red necks who cling to their religion, according to Obama. So that is just my take on why Hollywood democrats hate Republicans so much. Of course that is just my opinion and I could be wrong.”
As for me, the banker’s rationalization is as good as any other I’ve ever read, which is why I employed it today. Especially because he highlights the point that Republican’s are generally types that insist on thinking and doing for themselves.
That’s it for today folks.
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