Friday, October 19, 2012

BloggeRhythms 10/19/2012

As readers know, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out why the Clinton’s would so strongly support the incumbent’s reelection efforts. Because after the way the he blew Hillary’s campaign out of the water in 2008, ultimately becoming POTUS, coupled with the Clinton’s longstanding history of seeking and attaining revenge against real and perceived enemies of theirs…I've expected retaliation long before now.
Then, after careful consideration, I concluded that perhaps they were simply biding their time, waiting for the day when they could act in the most clandestine way, yet still inflict significant irreparable damage to POTUS himself. Consequently, when Hillary accepted the post of Secretary of State, I assumed she was simply accruing some personal knowledge in the meantime about how a government job works, whereas up to then she had, zip, zero, nada firsthand.  In fact, her credentials where any kind of real work was involved were non-existent, her married life having been spent riding under the coat-tails of her husband, who was somewhat shaky national experience-wise himself.
And then I became even more befuddled when Bill recently stepped up to campaign on behalf of POTUS, and kept trying to figure out why he would do that whereas a reelection would likely do the whole Dem party damage it might never overcome in the future, thereby negatively Hillary even more so.
But the real stumper was, Hillary’s recent grandstand play where she stood up and took widely-noted personal blame for the total flub in Benghazi, thereby letting the White House off the hook. And I kept asking myself: Why would she do that?
And then, just this AM, I think finally may have figured it out. Because let’s suppose -and this is absolutely and purely hypothetical- that the Clinton’s knew all along, and bet on the fact, that sooner or later the buck had to stop at the top in D.C. for any kind of Libyan terrorist attack in Benghazi. And then let’s further guess that Hillary’s intelligence network warned her strongly in advance, but she took no action, nor did she inform the White House in time to beef security up. Simply leaving those in fend for themselves after the attack, which was highly unlikely to be done correctly because she knew full well they almost never do anything right. Consequently, this whole Benghazi affair was a set-up from the git-go, intended to embarrass, defame and demean the incumbent.  However, the Clinton's themselves made it appear they were trying their best to help him. 
Now, I’m aware that my forgoing speculation is perhaps a bit over the top. But, considering the Clinton’s history and long line of previous actions that were seemingly incredible, right up to and including Bill’s lying under oath to Congress, my guess as to what really took place in Libya is as good as anyone else’s. And lastly, in it’s own way, seems to finally make some sense.
That’s it for today folks

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