Monday, October 22, 2012

BloggeRhythms 10/22/2012

Endorsements keep pouring in for Mitt Romney. The three new big ones are similar to yesterday’s from the Iranian government, whereas Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro, and Vladimir Putin have all now stated they hope the incumbent will be reelected for four more years.
And there’s no doubt that they really mean it, because so long as he stays in office, they have absolutely nothing to fear from the U.S. No matter what kind of atrocities, warmongering or abuses of power they commit. However, if Romney gets in, they’ll all have someone to worry about because he’ll step up to responsibility and try his best to stop them.
Which brings me to another subject: Romney’s surge in the polls and the pundit’s reactions.
Just yesterday while watching some guy who’s name I forgot interviewed on Fox -however he’s a big honcho political writer and guru- I was astounded when he said he was shocked at how well Romney’s doing lately, because he’d thought up to now Mitt was only along for the trip and simply wanted the nomination to see if he could get it. But as far as the election itself was concerned, this guy didn’t think Mitt had the will, fight or stamina to win it.
And that’s when I scratched my head and not only wondered what planet these sideline “experts” live on, but had my beliefs confirmed that talking-head voyeurs know considerably less than nothing about how mover’s; shaker’s, and most of all, doer’s think. 
So, here are my questions for today for this writer clown whose name I forgot: If Mitt Romney wasn’t tough as nails and committed to ideals, how did he build and grow Bain capital into such a great success?  And if he was the type who only wanted to get nominations, why did he fight for and win the Massachusetts governorship and then turn the state around so much for the better? And how about the Olympics? Did that resurrection happen by magic, or did Mitt get completely involved and fix it?
As for me, I think these questions answer themselves, but I’m not a writer by trade. I came from the same kind of business world as Mitt. And in that environment talk is worthless, results are all that count. However, most writers have no managerial capabilities whatsoever, so they sit on the sidelines and comment on things they know nothing about as participants. Which brings me to my last query for today: Exactly what credential of real world managerial experience can this pompous side-line critic present that gives him the ability to correctly assess what goes on in the mind of a continually successful contender like Mitt Romney?
And I think I can likely answer that one myself pretty accurately. Zip, zero, nada.
That’s it for today folks.

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