Sunday, July 8, 2012

BloggeRhythms 7/8/2012

According to Tony Lee, on Breitbart on-line this morning, the unemployment rate dropped in every state that elected a Republican governor in 2010. His article included the following chart:

Kansas - 6.9% to 6.1% = a decline of 0.8%
Maine - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%
Michigan - 10.9% to 8.5% = a decline of 2.4%
New Mexico - 7.7% to 6.7% = a decline of 1.0%
Oklahoma - 6.2% to 4.8% = a decline of 1.4%
Pennsylvania - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%
Tennessee - 9.5% to 7.9% = a decline of 1.6%
Wisconsin - 7.7% to 6.8% = a decline of 0.9%
Wyoming - 6.3% to 5.2% = a decline of 1.1%
Alabama - 9.3% to 7.4% = a decline of 1.9%
Georgia - 10.1% to 8.9% = a decline of 1.2%
South Carolina - 10.6% to 9.1% = a decline of 1.5%
South Dakota - 5.0% to 4.3% = a decline of 0.7%
Florida - 10.9% to 8.6% = a decline of 2.3%
Nevada - 13.8% to 11.6% = a decline of 2.2%
Iowa - 6.1% to 5.1% = a decline of 1.0%
Ohio - 9.0% to 7.3% = a decline of 1.7%

In contrast, Lee points out that, "On the other hand, the unemployment rate in states that elected Democrats in 2010 dropped, on average, as much as the national rate decline and, in some states such as New York, the unemployment rate has risen since January of 2011.”

So, whereas the president refuses to try to repair the nation’s economy, choosing  to simply accept the anti-business demands of the lobby’s that put him in office, he’s traveling the nation, babbling and blustering slurs regarding his opponent and sounding like a spoiled four year old instead. And rather than accepting the responsibilities of his office, he prefers to stick his tongue out, wiggle his ears and spout personal slurs as a brat would.

In the meantime, however, the seventeen leaders who’ve done their best for their states and constituents by actually trying to get something positive done, are quietly showing by their successes what real leadership's all about. And since the coming election will depend greatly on the economy, I sense that next November the ousted incumbent will look back and regret that he never tried to learn an iota about it.

That’s it for today folks.


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