Sunday, July 22, 2012

BloggeRhythms 7/22/2012

With the shockwaves from Colorado still reverberating across the nation, it seems there’s little else being noted by the media, and that’s certainly not surprising at all. However, as I mentioned yesterday, there’s now a growing drumbeat for gun control which, frankly, disturbs me.

While I certainly have the same sense of loss, grief and perplexity as that displayed by anyone else aware of the tragic occurrence, I also realize that, as far as what’s known up to now, this was a unique situation perpetrated by a lone, deranged, gunman with his own horrendous agenda.  But nonetheless, there are those who believe that because things like this happen, everyone else should be deprived of their right to bear arms.

And that brings me to my question for today which is: Why is it that in almost all circumstances, politicians and government types always seek to bring everyone down to the lowest imaginable level while rarely, if ever, desiring to see standards and measures go up?

Consequently, every time something bad or tragic occurs we never hear about ways to improve folks understanding, knowledge or capabilities, we always hear the reverse. So, when things go on that infringe on others or their rights, no one ever attempts to educate the offenders, instead what’s sought is more prohibitive laws and curbs on everyone’s freedoms, regardless.

And I guess in it’s own way, this weekends  tragedy’s pointing out for us again how far things have sunk in general as far as leadership goes. Because the first reaction of most government types is to politicize the issue and try to personally gain rather than to respect the intelligence, maturity and understanding of everyone else.

That's it for today folks.


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