Sunday, July 15, 2012

BloggeRhythms 7/15/2012

Nothing much in the news today that’s really “new,” but I did come across an item on Fox on-line quoting the Associated Press that I thought was pretty amusing.

According to AP, “Democratic governors are accusing House Republicans of deliberately sabotaging the economy to help Mitt Romney oust President Barack Obama.” One of them, Governor Martin O'Malley, Democrat from Maryland said on Friday, “There's not a doubt in my mind that in their calculations, that they are hoping for the economy to slow before the election.They think that's their best shot at unseating the president."

Vermont Governor, Peter Shumlin, added “You have to ask the obvious question: How desperate and how far will they go to ensure this president gets defeated?"

In response, Michael Steel, aide to Speaker John Boehner, rejected the notion, saying “Democrats have not put forward any legitimate jobs legislation” and faulted them for blocking GOP efforts that could have resulted in faster job creation, noting that, “We have passed bills that would reduce red tape, repeal a health care law that is making harder for small businesses to hire, open up American energy resources, and - later this month - stop the largest tax hike in American history."

Now, as for me, I’ve been repeatedly mentioning for quite a long time the incredible stumbling blocks the Dems have created to impede economic growth and the strangleholds on businesses that lobbyists, unions and special interest groups have forced them to employ. 

But I still can’t find a better example of their audacity than one I’ve used before where a man shot both his parents, then asked for the mercy of the court because he was an orphan.  

That’s it for today folks.


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