If it’s true that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, what words can describe those who have absolutely none at all? Are they simply total ignoramuses or even denser than that? And, as far as ignoramuses go, I think Nancy Pelosi either heads the top of any list, or worse, will use the guise of stupidity to make incredibly insulting comments.
According to Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard on-line, in an interview with Al Hunt of Bloomberg, when asked if Jewish voters would support the president in the coming election, she replied "I think he’ll win the Jewish vote when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth."
When the interviewer then added, "That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active," she responded, “Well that’s how they’re being exploited. And they’re smart people. They follow these issues.”
So, as I interpret her comments, what she really believes is that many Jewish Republicans don’t really care that much about Israel at all, but are entirely focused on tax cuts for themselves and simply using Israel as a cover for their selfish goals and greed. And then she compounds that slight with another, by stating that they’re very “smart “ which is less denigrating than saying “cunning.”
In conclusion, however, maybe I’m being too harsh on her whereas it’s possible she really respects the intellect of Jewish folks because most seem so much smarter than herself. But then, if that’s truly the case, she’d have to have the same opinion about almost every soul on earth, because regardless of their religion, just about every human being alive is more intelligent than she is.
That’s it for today folks.
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