Monday, July 2, 2012

BloggeRhythms 7/2/2012

Lot’s of talk, hype, smoke and speculation building in regard to the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, especially about the vote and opinion delivered by Chief Justice John Roberts.

As far as I can tell, everybody’s got an opinion, however, it doesn't seem to me that anyone really knows why the justice did what he did. And, until he retires and writes a book on the subject, I doubt anyone will. But, I still think the answer’s pretty simple.

Although there are some who believe he stretched the law, and others who think he overstepped his bounds completely, from the way his summary sounded to me, and despite that I’ve no credentials regarding legislation, it seems to me he took a literal, straightforward, approach and called it as he saw it.

I believe he was very clear in stating that as a law, the issue had no standing whatsoever. However, he rightly concluded that Congress indeed has the power to tax. And that’s exactly what Congress did, at the behest of the incumbent.

Consequently, this administration has imposed one of the biggest taxes in history, particularly on the middle-class, and as far as SCOTUS goes, that’s that.

So, now its left to the administration to live with the consequences of what they’ve accomplished, which is likely a political death knell.

Because while till now most opponents thought the bill had no chance, and didn’t really dissect it, now they will. And the early findings are so financially crippling to much of the voting public, I think it means that although the administration won the SCOTUS vote, they'll likely lose Congress and the White House next November.

That’s it for today folks.


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