Lacking credentials in foreign affairs, Mitt Romney’s presently in London, the first leg of a three nation overseas trip. He’ll then continue on to Poland and finally Israel, all three destinations perceived as allies treated poorly by the presidential incumbent.
I mention this today because of articles in Politico and Reuters on-line, stating that on the eve of Romney’s weekend visit to Israel, the president’s scheduled to sign the “U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act,” which expands military assistance to the country.
And what this new agreement says to me is that although he’s not even been elected, and perhaps may not even be, Romney’s already done more for Israel than the incumbent has in the past three and a half years. Because, if it weren’t for Romney’s decision to travel to Israel, I believe it’s quite possible that the president might never have signed the new agreement at all, whereas he’s never been a real friend of Israel and can’t stand Benjamin Netanyahu altogether.
And so, as it’s often said, one of the demands of leadership is the ability to get things done. And the best leaders use every tactic, idea and strategic measure to accomplish their goals. And whereas Mitt Romney's now shown he perceives it’s critical to both the U.S. and Israel to remain the strongest of allies, I believe that in simply taking this overseas trip and forcing the incumbent's hand in the process, he's now proving to Americans of Jewish persuasion that he’s one of the best friends Israelis can ever hope for.
That’s it for today folks.
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