Friday, June 1, 2012

BloggeRhythms 6/1/2012

I was never a Bill Clinton fan at all and always believed whatever success he had as president resulted from a Republican congress that kept him in check, and Allen Greenspan’s fiscal management at the Fed. But, nonetheless, many folks believe he’s a consummate, very astute politician.

And I mention him in that regard today because several weeks ago I told my wife that I’d read some comments he’d made that weren’t exactly in line with the spin emanating from the White House. And back then, tongue in cheek, I suggested that perhaps he sensed presidential blood in the water, and some kind of opportunity for Hillary in the event that the incumbent implodes before next November.

Well now it’s a few weeks later, and it seems that every time the incumbent opens his mouth he alienates another group of former supporters, keeps losing ground, and at times seems completely out of touch with reality. And in view of the incumbent’s continuing self-destruction I thought I’d put my thoughts about Bill on paper now on the admittedly quite remote chance I’m right about Bill’s opportunism regarding his wife.

Therefore, that brings me to something Bill said yesterday regarding Milt Romney’s qualifications to become POTUS. Because according to Byron Tau of Politico on-line, Bill said, “I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work.' The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

So, in contradiction to a White House that’s conducting a slash and burn campaign and slinging as much mud as they can find or create against their rival, here we have Bill Clinton taking a higher road and moving away from the crowd. And since he’s never done anything except serve himself in the past, I think perhaps this is an indication of more campaign alienation to come in the future which I’m sure he certainly doesn’t intend to waste.

And that’s what led me to the natural conclusion that maybe he really is doing it all for Hillary, unless of course he instead intends to endorse Monica Lewinsky.

That’s it for today folks.


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