Friday, June 29, 2012

BloggeRhythms 6/29/2012

If the Republicans win the coming presidential election, I think they’ll owe huge credit to SCOTUS’ Chief Justice Roberts, who did more for them than any political speech could. Because he could not have been clearer that as a law Obamacare had no standing or merit, but is in fact a new tax imposed on just about all who earn income in the U.S.

So here we have a situation where the nation’s economy couldn’t be much weaker and an incumbent who’s compounding the problem and making it far worse. 

But, I think in stating their case, Republicans should avoid getting mired down in disputing 2700 pages of legal gibberish that’s crammed in the bill and make one very simple point, which is: If 26 million people who couldn’t afford health coverage before now have it, where will the money come from? The answer is, at a minimum approximately $400 billion of new taxes that are now legally stuck on the backs of all U.S. businesses and people earning income which may finally add up to be one of the largest new taxes imposed in the nation's history.

And that’s the issue that has to be hammered home, because if left alone the nation will continue down the slope toward economies like those presently draining Europe, where half the nations are broke and being supported by others, and almost all the rest are on their way to that result. Because, simply and purely, socialism doesn’t work now, never has, and never will for too many reasons to list in this space.

However, to give the incumbent some slack. He’s never held a real job, never earned a paycheck and hasn’t a clue as to how businesses or economies work. So from his perspective, basically formed from reading text books, lots of this idealistic gobbledygook looks good on paper.

And I must say, if the public covered my pay check, food costs, servants, health care, travel and entertainment and let me live in the White House for free, I’m not so sure I’d care about other folks tax burdens either. 

So, if I could pick up some votes despite imposing crippling tax increases on those trying to operate businesses or earn some money, so be it. I’d be out of there in four years or less anyway which means the problems I created will be someone else’s down the line. And if nothing else, that seems to me to be the precedent that this president lives by.

That’s it for today folks.


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