Thursday, June 7, 2012

BloggeRhythms 6/7/2012

It occurred to me this morning that there must be folks in the White House assigned to monitoring world-wide media mention of the incumbent 24/7/365, and to immediately take appropriate steps to counter negative commentary. And if I’m correct, and those folks actually exist, they must now be working super-diligently because their employer’s not only taking hits regularly lately, the derogatives are coming from his closest allies.

In the past few days the most damaging barbs have come from Corey Booker, Mayor of Newark New Jersey, and former president Bill Clinton while just yesterday former Director of the White House United States National Ecomonic Council, Larry Summers, suggested that the soon ending Bush tax cuts be reinstated in view of the economy’s weakness, something the incumbent’s dead set against.

However, going back to my opening thought, in each of the cases where disagreement’s arisen from presidential supporters, these same dissenters have issued retractions or “corrections” within hours of their original statements indicating that obviously some kind of White House damage control’s actually in place. Nonetheless, I believe the first words of the dissenters will stick in the minds of the public, and considerable harm’s being done regardless.

In the meantime, as bad as the management of our nation is at the moment, there are other places where leadership’s incredibly incompetent as well. And today’s example is from France. Because while the European economy is teetering close to the brink and unemployment in Greece reached almost 22%, Francois Hollande, president of France's new socialist government, cut the country’s retirement age to 60 from 62.

Holland cited “social justice” as his rationale, and I can see how such issues are extremely important to him and his compatriots. But I just wonder what these same folks will think when their coffers are totally dry and they not only won’t ever receive the pensions at 60, they’ll all be broke and homeless nationwide quite shortly.
That’s it for today folks.


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