Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BloggeRhythms 6/5/2012

A while ago, I opined that Bill Clinton had made some remarks that were out of step with the incumbent’s presidential campaign.  At the time I suggested that perhaps they were simply slight differences in rhetoric, and would be corrected. But if not, perhaps they signified a concerted plan to undermine the incumbent’s chances for reelection. 

Along the same lines, I also noted that I thought Bill was too seasoned a strategist to tip his hand this early and expected he’d wait a while longer to get openly hostile, leaving the incumbent’s flunkies too little time to counterpunch and react.

However, just yesterday Breitbart TV on-line seemed to sense the same hostility I did by posting an article headed, “Clinton Slams Obama: 'I’m the Only Guy Who Gave You Four Surplus Budgets,”  in which they say that “Last night in New York City Obama and Clinton held a joint fundraiser. Bill Clinton had to remind everyone of the difference between his presidency and Obama’s.” Then Bill went on say “And, I care about the long term debt of the country a lot. Remember me, I’m the only guy that gave you four surplus budgets out of the eight I sent.”

So, here we have a broadside shot by Bill in a room full of Democrat deep pockets, which I now think can mean only one thing. He truly intends to get even for the end-around usurping of his wife’s presidential campaign and help clear the stage for her next run at the White House.

As for me, however, I just want to reiterate my sensing Bill’s intent considerably ahead of others, and also to add this latest happening to my growing list of folks, groups and organizations who’re are fed up with the incumbent for a whole host of reasons.
And as I’ve been repeating for some time now, if the Republicans are half as good politicians as they believe they are, they should just simply sit back and let the Democrats deconstruct on their own. Because everything the inept, unqualified incumbent does, anywhere, anytime, hurts more than it helps. And with an upset Slick Willy now sniping to boot, the election won’t even be a contest.
That’s it for today folks.


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