Perusing for news this morning, I found an interesting item in Time Magazine online by Mark Halperin and Elizabeth Dias. Halperin’s their senior political writer.
In their column, the authors report that quite a few things have turned sour for the administration recently, and highlight such events as the recent reelection of Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Bill Clinton’s barbs and so on. But what set me to responding was their opinion of what they call “the media freak show” and especially Matt Drudge’s website about which I’ve copied their writing exactly and pasted it below.
“Stalking that circus' center ring is Matt Drudge, whose caustic website continues to help drive the news cycle with an emphasis on negative, mocking items about Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and their wives. The latest sign of Drudge's potency: Ed Klein, the author of the virulently anti-Obama book The Amateur, was barred from major TV appearances and mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but the book's prominence on Drudge's website propelled it to the No. 1 slot on the New York Times nonfiction list.”
I mention this because I check the Drudge site every day and find it not only to contain substantial amounts of information, but unless I’ve missed it, no real opinion’s or slants from Drudge himself at all. What the site does contain is links to slews of articles on all kinds of timely subjects by authors and writers of every description. Consequently if visitors seek particular opinions they merely have to search and click on writers they choose.
Therefore, I think the Time writers made a slight misjudgment. Because Matt Drudge isn’t the one doing damage to the administration, the administration’s doing the harm to themselves. And the reason there’s so much negative news about them on the site is that they’ve fouled up so much that there’s far more bad news about them than good. So, instead of pointing fingers at the guy who simply provides access to the facts, maybe Time needs to sit down and realize they’re really finding fault with the truth.
That’s it for today folks.
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