Thursday, June 28, 2012

BloggeRhythms 6/28/2012

The very good short-term news for the administration today is that SCOTUS, due to the yea vote by Chief Justice Roberts,upheld the health care law as constitutional, which means the legislation will stand.

Conversely, the horrendously bad long-term news for the administration in the coming weeks, in my opinion, is that the health care law will stand. And that’s because despite the fact that the law exceeds the powers of Congress as pure legislation, the way the administration’s attorneys presented their argument, the law can stand as a tax.

Justice Roberts words were, “'Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it.”

So, after all the smoke clears, and all the self-serving congratulatory speeches and back-slapping are done by the Dem’s, I think the voting public will ultimately realize that not only has this law done irreparable harm to health care itself, it will boil down to one of the largest tax increases in history. And whereas the law only applies to particular sectors of the population, those who earn income will still wind up paying the costs of those who don’t. That’s Socialism 101.

However, what’s even worse for the administration is that thanks to the law’s survival, it’s likely the economy will worsen, unemployment will probably increase and small businesses will continue to suffer even more because now they have no short-term hope of reduction in hiring costs at all.

And now that all the waiting’s over, and SCOTUS has blessed the incumbent’s health care tax, I guess the big winner is Romney whose campaign just received a huge boost. Which gives us another example of my recurring point that the way for Republicans to win is to do nothing at all except sit back and watch the Dem’s self-destruct.

That’s it for today folks.


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