Found an item on Drudge today that still has me chuckling. Because, according to Lorrie Goldstein of the Toronto Sun, “Two months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.”
Goldstein reports that Lovelock’s “implications were extraordinary.”
According to her, he’s “a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory - that the Earth operates as a single, living organism- has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.”
Additionally she wrote that “Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honoured working scientist and academic.”
As for myself, I never knew that was the case, however, now this whole global warming hubbub makes far greater sense. Because although I thought it was a political issue all along, I thought it was left-leaning scientists actually leading the cause.
Lovelock himself is well-credentialed and his inventions have been used by NASA, among many other scientific organizations. His electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.
But here’s the most interesting part to me, from Goldstein’s article: “Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted," Lovelock acknowledged, “the problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.”
He went on to say in a follow-up interview to the UK’s Guardian newspaper that while he "still believes anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions, it’s now clear the doomsday predictions, including his own (and Al Gore’s) were incorrect."
So, what we have here is another example of one of my recurring themes. Follow the money, and in time you’ll surely find the truth. And in this case, the grants and government funding's were so huge a whole planet of people were impinged upon by a few self-serving zealots who wouldn’t quit although knowing full well they were wrong. In fact, these folks are so deceitful, they could easily get to the top in politics, where all they’d need to create is another phony cause.
That’s it for today folks.
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