Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BloggerRhythms 10/6/2010

I just went past a blurb headline saying something about candidates "blasting" each other in the various political campaigns. And that got me to thinking about why. Because, in today's day and age, who's watching or interested in anything any politicians saying, especially in a paid advertising spot?

I guess the real question is why do they advertise or campaign at all, because except for some number of hard core supporters or paid flacks, who'd listen to any politician? In all probability these clowns are either yelling down a well or talking to themselves.

Beyond the question of why do they bother advertising at all, I wonder whom they're aiming their propaganda at. I would think that it's highly likely that at this stage of the game and point in time, any serious voter has already made up their mind. And for those still open to persuasion, they must be living in some kind of plastic bubble or under a rock.

Aside from that, what negative things could be said about folks who are the dregs of the earth to begin with? And as far as campaign promises go, they've generally proven to be worth less than the hot air it takes to speak them, with the possible exception of the present incumbent. Because he's actually managed to enact a lot of the things he promised while campaigning and our ruined health care system and dramatic fall from worldwide economic superiority are just two evidences of his success. With any luck, he'll soon completely eliminate the middle class while driving the poor totally out of existence. That should happen just about the time our unemployment rate hits twenty percent.

I guess the bottom line is, as I've been suggesting for a while now, to have the best chance of winning in November pol's would be better off saying nothing at all. Because you can't break a promise you haven't made, you can't lie when you don't speak and you can't put your foot your mouth if it isn't open.

That's it for today folks.


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