The following news item got me to thinking about how our whole political system works. Because I've always thought that the founding fathers wanted a government that reflected what the "people" wanted from their governmental representatives and that election outcomes reflected those desires. But, obviously, politicians themselves either don't believe that, or don't care what our founders intended for us.
Bill Clinton's been a staunch public supporter of Florida Senate candidate Rep. Kendrick Meek. Yet, last week he apparently tried persuading Meek to drop out of the race. According to Politico, "Meek agreed twice to drop out and endorse independent candidate Gov. Charlie Crist, a former Republican, after Clinton said it was the best way to beat rising Republican star, Marco Rubio, who's leading the 3-way race. Each time, Meek changed his mind." Crist spokesman Danny Kanner, immediately put out a statement saying the story was "accurate."
With Greta Van Susteren last night, Crist said the reports were accurate and that he'd talked to "somebody at the White House" and "Mr. Band." Doug Band, is one of President Clinton's closest advisors. Crist, also told Van Susteren he'd spoken to Meek about the issue, because "what's right for Florida and trying to do what's right for America is stopping Marco Rubio from being U.S. Senator for Florida."
The Meek campaign immediately issued a statement bluntly describing the story as "Not true. Kendrick Meek was never dropping out of this race, is never dropping out of this race, and will never drop out of this race," his Campaign Manager, Abe Dyk, said in a release. "Meek will always stand up for the middle class and will not leave Floridians a choice between two lifelong conservative Republicans who only stand with the special interests. Kendrick is the Democratic nominee so if anyone should drop out, it's Charlie Crist."
The point is, that right in the middle of the home of the free and the brave, conniving, deal-making politicians strive to make back room deals that have not an iota of relevance to what's good for constituents. If Republicans are leading in the Florida polls, or anywhere else, its because the population is evidently quite tired of whatever it is that Democrats have been doing.
And if Bill Clinton's really trying to shoot down a rising political star, instead of back-room manipulation, maybe he ought to pay some attention to what that star's talking about and why he's evidently becoming so powerful. But, old worn out phonies like Clinton never cared about actual issues. Their game was to gain power, influence, and most of all, cash for their favors. By now, folks have probably bought ten million copies of his book,as agreed beforehand as a way to launder money back for whatever he delivered to them. But I doubt a page has ever been cracked in any of them.
So, the beat goes on. A political party's in trouble because it's done huge harm to almost everyone while in power. And now, when people look for relief by voting for something else, that party's leaders continue to manipulate and finagle, because the havoc they've wrought doesn't faze them. Elections, it seems are about keeping folks in power, regardless of what happens to constituents. Yet, this time around, it seems the population just might wake up.
That's it for today folks.
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