Sunday, October 10, 2010

BloggeRhythms 10/10/2010

Trolling through news items looking for something blogworthy often proves to be a very boring waste of time. Especially at present, when both major political parties are absorbed in pointing fingers, slinging mud and generally behaving like the mind-numb boobs that they are.

However, an item caught my eye this morning about a brouhaha between Karl Rove and the president. It seems that Rove is involved with an organization, American Crossroads, that helps fund political campaigns along with the Chamber of Commerce and these organizations also receive contributions from foreign sources to be used for other purposes. The president, though, has been bad-mouthing both the organization and Rove in particular for using "foreign" funds in supporting U.S. electoral candidates. Rove says that's absolutely not true.

Now, the part that interested me is that it's the president who's ranting and raving about the involvement of foreigners whom he's yet to name, saying "So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections, and they won't tell you where the money for their ads come from," yet, he's not displayed any proof in the matter to date while to this day nobody knows where he himself was actually born. Beyond that he also let his boss Soros wangle a $2 billion U.S. guaranteed loan to explore for oil exclusively to be used in Brazil. The hypocrisy's incredible.

It seems what this election's boiling down to is a revolt against what Democrats always do, tax and spend while growing the bureaucracy. The challengers are doing what Republicans always do, rebelling vigorously against the incumbent Dem's because of the way they blindly tax and spend and let government get out of hand. Yet, after the last Republican administration was elected they taxed and spent, let the government grow and let it get out of hand. So, now we have the Tea-Party folks who tell you that neither major party is any good, because they both tax and spend and let government get out of hand.

I think what this is all boiling down to has become painfully clear. The particular party doesn't really matter at all, because it isn't about political persuasion. The simple fact of the matter is all politicians tax and spend regardless of affiliation. So, the only answer is to do what our founding fathers did, pick some really nice place to move to, start the whole thing over again, and govern ourselves.

That's it for today folks.


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