There's some seemingly good news for Democrats. I didn't know a thing about Rahm Emanuel, now former White House Chief of Staff, so when I heard he was resigning, I looked him up. And, from what I can gather, this guy was a know-nothing power behind the throne and gave the president direction. Consequently, we wound up with the worst administration since Jimmy Carter.
So, since Emanuels on his way out to try to screw up Chicago by running for mayor, the president has a chance to bring in someone with some idea of how this country really works, what it needs to get back on track and isn't another mis-guided clown.
A good start might be to listen to Jack Welch, former chairman of GE who said this morning that the administration came in with a shopping list of social issues to focus upon, and ignored business issues completely, except for tax increases, penalties and assorted stumbling blocks that have stalled the economy completely and driven the unemployment rate to almost 10 percent.
I mention this because it's been my belief that there's no one in the administration that knows anything about business at all, and if they do, they keep still because they'd be unemployed in a heartbeat should they bring it up. And because of that mentality, or lack thereof, we're in the quagmire we're in.
Basically, these administration folks have the picture upside down. Their primary focus is to spend and spend on non-productive, costly projects while simultaneously penalizing or obstructing the sources of funds. They've done this to the point where the largest businesses continue to horde cash because they fear losing any new investment to taxation or other non-productive drains.
Worse yet, businesses are so fearful of hiring people they're not sure they can afford under present conditions, they've upgraded and increased automation to a point where they may never have to hire those folks again.
Thus, in a nutshell, the administrations lost or given away every golden egg the country possessed, borrowed trillions more and is still trying its hardest to not only kill the goose, but make absolutely sure it will never quack again.
That's it for today folks.
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