Saturday, October 30, 2010

BloggeRhythms 10/30/2010

We're finally coming down to the wire as election day looms next Tuesday. So, politicos are barnstorming all over the place. And while I still can't believe anyone who's actually going to vote hasn't long ago made up his or her mind, the last minute gasps of candidates and their backers continues.

In Arizona on Friday, Sen. John McCain gave a rousing endorsement of Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle. He urged cheering supporters to make her part of a "historic turnaround in Washington power." She's confident in her tight race with Majority Leader Harry Reid, predicting "shock and awe in Washington" on Nov. 3.

The high stake race is important nationally, because Reid, in his 5th term, is the face of Democratic power is Washington. And I thought that that ought to be a key point for Arizonans. Because while their Senator is making big waves for himself in D.C., Nevada's economy is devastated, and the state leads the nation in unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies. So, why I wonder would any rational Nevadan vote for this useless, self-serving, empty suit?

As far as Washington goes, the White House is afraid that Congress won't approve a plan to hike taxes on the nation's wealthiest families if Republicans win an expected House majority, according to the Washington Post. So, the administration's mulling a strategy that would break apart the Bush tax cuts, by calling for a permanent extension of cuts for families earning less than $250,000 a year, and a temporary extension of cuts on income above that level.

"Decoupling" the tax provisions would delay a decision on cuts for the so-called "rich" until next year or the year after, the sources said. Conversely, Republican leaders have pushed to extend the cuts expiring in December, for all income brackets, while the president insists the country cannot afford to keep tax breaks on income over $250,000 a year for families, or $200,000 for individuals.

What I thought most interesting throughout this argument on taxes is that nowhere does anyone say, let's cut spending. And here's the president once gain, right before election day having meetings about how to further tax a population that he's practically devastated financially, and considering how to skin them again to push a program that's been vividly proven not to work. Frankly, I wonder just how dumb you have to be to let this financial fiasco continue.

What I've written here for the past few weeks leading to this election is that the whole situation seems upside down to me. And even the most liberal Hollywood types who have the financial acumen of gnats ought to be able to see that everyone around them's going broke. So when do they wake up and smell the aroma of economic disaster and realize that, perhaps, their social agenda ought to wait a while.

Because if things keeps on going the way they are, one of every three folks they meet is going to be unemployed, or otherwise insolvent, all because of misguided, irrational economic theory. And, even their science fiction movie writers couldn't come up with a plot as horrendous to the population as their electoral choices have proven.

That's it for today folks.


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