Saturday, October 16, 2010

BloggeRhythms 10/16/2010

I came across this blurb in the news today. "Several endangered House Democrats think they may have found a way to escape voters' wrath in next month's midterm elections: Run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

I thought it interesting because I've been questioning Ms Peolosi's performance in this blog for months. And now, it seems, some folks have woken up and realize what an embarrassment this woman is, and evidently their constituents must be giving them huge heat about her.

But where have these clowns been for the last four years? She ranted and raved about health care, demanding every house member vote yes, yet when she was asked about the bill's contents, she said she hadn't read it, but was sure it was a terrific piece of legislation.

She's been hugely against immigration reform and sealing of the borders, likely because her husband's vineyard employees are mostly illegal's themselves.

As you go down the list of her record, you realize she hasn't a clue about governance, the economy, foreign affairs, the military or anything else related to the welfare of the nation. But, she's only one person, and consequently her constituents have to decide whether to keep her in office or not. But what about all these other ciphers, who're now waking up. Where have they been for the last four years while Ms Pelosi was hammering for the legislation that's now going to get all of them the boot?

And, supposing they do "divorce" themselves from her coat strings for the purpose of attempting to get re-elected. Who in their right mind would vote for these dunces who are now compromising themselves because they've sunk their constituents in Ms Pelosi's mire.

What's more, by trying to con their constituents with some kind of story about how they've now seen the light, these folks are insulting the intelligence of everyone they try to sell that to. So, I hope what this election proves is that Pol's can't get away with that anymore, and will blow them all out. And if that's truly what happens, the Pol's have made a huge mistake. Because when they lose, and go looking for real work, the only real thing they're qualified for is something like picking grapes. And since they've now walked away from Ms Pelosi, her husband won't hire them either.

That's it for today folks.


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