Yesterday I mentioned reviewing my entries, to prevent repeating myself or beating an issue to boring death. But, some things, I think, need to be kept in focus or they’ll just get swept up in the tide and forgotten.
That brings me to illegal immigration one more time. As previously mentioned, the state of Arizona has enacted its own law to try stemming the flow of Mexicans into the state illegally. Officials say that the risks and costs of illegals to the public and government are huge, brought on by violence, vandalism, tax evasion, medical care, hospitalization, childbirth, as well as the expense of policing, trials, imprisonment and the like.
Now, the federal government has stepped in. The Department of Justice has filed suit in federal court to overturn Arizona’s law, because, according to the DOJ, border protection is a federal matter and tied into several other functions having to do with major crimes and illegal drug sale prevention, among other issues.
On the surface, this seems to be simply a matter of jurisdiction and which laws, state or federal, should apply. However, I don’t think that’s really the case at all. Because, if you go back to the beginning and peruse the facts you find that Arizona’s law enactment came about because it’s pleas for federal help were ignored for a significant amount of time.
Beyond that, the federal government claims that immigration laws have to be consistent for all border states, therefore it’s the federal government’s job to enact them, yet it’s done nothing in that regard while the border deterrents have more holes than Swiss cheese.
Then, along came the president who said that his worry is that more border states will try to enact their own laws if this one stays in place, and there will be inconsistency in border patrol and safety, incursions to individual’s rights and potential havoc. That being the case, he insists that a federal law be enacted regarding all these issues, and oh, by the way, there’ll probably be something in there giving the 12 million illegals already here some kind of citizenship and, of course, voting rights.
As a practical matter, I really can’t blame the president regarding his goals. I think any politician would do whatever possible to try to help himself. But, I don’t think this is so much about what’s being attempted; I think it’s the how. Because it seems Arizona’s been painted into a corner.
They have a huge problem caused by illegals jamming their streets, hospitals and courts, caused by federal failure to protect the border. Yet, when they try to help themselves, the same federals tell them they can’t do that, it’s the federal’s job. Naturally, one could look at these circumstances and say, isn’t a shame how things like this happen. It’s just another example of government ignoring problems until they get out of hand, and then trying to cover the issue up before it embarrasses them completely. But, I don’t think that’s the case here at all.
I believe this situation and its ramifications have been manipulated from the beginning. Because there’s practically no chance that if those here illegally gain the right to vote, they’ll vote any other way than Democrat. That’s a significant number for any other opposing party to deal with.
So, once again, this entry isn’t so much about what politicians do, but about the way that they do it, readily sacrificing the safety, welfare and perhaps lives of citizenry to garner better chances of re-election. And, that, above all else, is their primary (no pun intended) goal. But, as I wrote yesterday, I think the clock really is ticking this time around, and the folks carrying the burden of politician’s purely self-centered arrogance have had enough. And, perhaps, those same politicians will cross the same border the other way, looking for somewhere to hide when they’re all thrown out.
That’s it for today folks.
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