Monday, July 12, 2010

BloggeRhythms 7/12/2010

I'm glad I don't work for a newspaper or other media outlet, because I think you lose your job if you turn in blank pages. But, other than the same old, same old that's been boring most folks to despair, there's nothing worth blogging about. Except, Steve Stricker.

He's a golfer that won the John Deere Classic in Silvis, Illinois yesterday. 43 years of age, from Edgarton, Wisconsin, he graduated University of Illinois, turning pro in 1990. He has 9 professional wins all told, and currently ranked number four in the world.

He and Justin Rose are among the favorites in the upcoming British Open this weekend at the old course at St. Andrews in Scotland, a legendary site dating back to the beginning of golf as we know it today.

But why bring him up at all? Are there really that many blog readers who know who Steve Stricker is, or care if he wins or not. He's not really a "name" at all. And, that's why I'm writing about him. I've been a fan of his for several years now and watched as his career went up, then down, then up again, but without many headlines. And, I suspect that he got so little notice because, above all, he's a class act.

I know that as folks get headlines today, the media sleazes and dumpster divers search for whatever morsel they can find to smear anyone in the news, especially professional athletes. But so far in Steve's case that hasn't happened.

Maybe it's because like Arnie and Jack, all he wants to do is play golf and doesn't care if it's a Sunday afternoon putting to win a major event or playing a round with friends on Monday. He just likes to have fun in the sun, and if things go right -maybe a win. So, he's not out looking for trouble anywhere else, and there aren't a lot of distractions on the golf course. Except for maybe the Crosby tournament in the spring that's been overtaken by uncoordinated dysfunctional show-business clowns.

Now, surely professional golf isn't pristine, it's had a number of huge disappointments and frauds. But, I think, a whole lot less than most other pastimes. No doubt John Daly is a world class loser, and though he seems to be struggling to save what's left of his game, will likely stay one. And Woods of course, who is hopefully unique. I don't really know nor care what people think regarding his future in golf, but as for me, my TV has an "off" switch so I'll never find out. There were others too, like Greg Norman, who I guess may not be a bad guy, it's just that his game never quite measured up to his mouth.

I think you have to really love the game to sit and watch it as a fan, and can't figure out why anyone would watch who doesn't play, because it's more boring than watching a Volkswagen rust. Yet, within the game itself, there are huge super-stars who've never made a controversial blip because they conduct themselves like winners, on and off the course. Like Raymond Floyd, Curtis Strange, Hale Irwin, Lee Trevino, Doug Sanders, Billy Casper, Sam Snead, Gary Player, Ben Hogan and of course -Freddy Couples who like Palmer is in a class by himself.

So, maybe the game will continue to set itself apart due to folks at the top who truly conduct themselves like winners all the time. And, if we're lucky, perhaps the difficulty of the game itself along with the embarrassment of appearing as the fools the hangers-on really are will chase them out. Except for the comedians whose whole lives and golf games are pathetic jokes -the odds are they'll likely never figure either one out.

Thats it for today folks.


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