July 4th, the day we celebrate our independence from the imperious Brits, who taxed and penalized our founders so unmercifully they finally forced them to revolt.
The country those brave, industrious freedom seekers began grew to become the most powerful nation on Earth. Not only outpacing all others, but reaching a point where the British themselves often ask their recalcitrant offspring for help.
Looking back at what was achieved over our relatively short history is almost beyond belief. Starting with nothing but their bodies, minds and a fervent desire to succeed, a nation was built that wanted for nothing. Between our shores and borders everything man could ever want could be found and reaped.
And, then…something changed. Doers, movers, and shakers were somehow replaced by hordes of takers, hangers-on and frauds. Hands that were once used to work now reach into other folks pockets, stealing whatever they can find there. And, leaders not only no longer lead, they don’t follow either, instead caring only about what they can do for themselves.
So, what has become of this once all powerful, self resourceful nation? Well, the resources are still there as plentiful as ever, maybe more-so. I doubt anyone will find out soon what the truth is though, because group after group will complain and bicker about what harm’s being caused by our trying to help ourselves.
And since we must keep our air pristine, our waters clear and our forests overfull with trees we’ll keep making Arab oil Sultan’s richer, import our cars from Japan and Korea, bring our food in from Mexico and overseas and our lumber from Canada. Our clothes come from nations whose names can’t be pronounced and our business calls are answered in India. At times it seems the only thing we really make here is noise.
But, I’m still going to go out this afternoon and celebrate my independence. I’ll sit on the beach at my friend’s house, sip some beer and at dusk I’ll watch a barge-full of fireworks go off. And the fireworks are really good ones, they’re made in China.
That’s it for today folks.
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