Another day of non-newsworthy news. And that's good because I have very little time for blogging. But, I'm almost through with merging data-bases, program refinements and organizing more gigabytes of stored stuff than I ever would have dreamed we could accumulate. Yet, at this point, we need every file and bit in the system.
Actually, I was going to leave today's' entry at what's above, but after a quick scan of news sites to double-check that there was nothing blog-worthy I'd missed, I saw an ad I couldn't believe and have to give it some keystrokes.
It seems, if I read the ad right, that Donald Trump is promoting a seminar to teach folks about succeeding in business. And , if that's really true, where's he going to find out what to say? To my knowledge every enterprise he ever touched, blew up financially, filed bankruptcy or otherwise hit the so-called silk.
He reminds me of an old joke about a guy who meets a friend in the street and tells him just got back from Las Vegas and is on his way to the bank to deposit forty thousand dollars. The friend replies that returning from there with that kind of money is pretty good and asks the guy how he came back with that much. The Vegas guy replies, I started with two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
And that's Trump's story. If memory serves he began with about forty million dollars of real estate from his very successful father and began building and promoting upscale real estate, the "Tower" and all those other palaces. In time, that business tanked. He also bought the Eastern Airlines shuttle, upgraded all the planes and financially torched that business too. Then he bankrupted his casinos in Atlantic City, NJ. The list goes on and on -you can look it up for yourself.
Now, the question is why do I care? I care because I spent too much of my life working for and with too many really solid citizens who were the best at their vocations. None of them were frauds or phonies to my knowledge, and they didn't seek lime light or try to hustle folks out of their jockey shorts. And none were high-rolling, back-slapping phony two dollar bills. So, I guess I resent the hype, smoke and natural gas emanating from a photogenic empty business suit.
I'd jot some more down, but it would only be more of the same and I'm pressed for time. I'm on my way to a bridge game where I plan to bid every hand absolutely No-Trump.
That's it for today folks.
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