Saturday, July 10, 2010

BloggeRhythms 7/10/2010

Lannie Rose posted the following comment to the blog on July 7th, but I didn't see it until today.

"Lannie Rose said...
LOL! You're hysterical, Mike! So it's the rich and powerful who are sorely abused, and they must rise up against the unwashed masses. Thanks for the good laugh!"

I went back and responded to Lannie's comment directly, but I doubt folks will go back and look it up, so basically here's what I said.

"Sorry Lannie, I didn't see this until today. But, either I'm not a very good writer or I didn't come close to making my point.

But I don't think there's going to be an uprising against the masses by the rich and powerful here at all. It's just that the successful one's keep getting increasingly drained financially by government and have less and less to show for their efforts. So, sooner or later they'll have to find ways to keep more of their earnings, or they'll be broke too, like everyone else. Because, it seems, the middle class is being legislated and taxed out of existence.

Therefore, I simply think those who earn will try to find better ways to protect whatever assets they have left. And, when that happens, whoever's draining the system now will have to do it somewhere else because this cash spigot's going to be empty.

So, when that happens the simple question becomes, how will the hangers-on survive? I think they'll have to search out other financial targets than here, because they'll have exhausted this one. Thus, they'll either have to leave here or go out and do some work. And, by the way, a huge segment of the top non-contributing types and takers happen to be politicians and government workers of both political parties.

So, as I said to start, my comments have nothing to do with political affiliation or the rich vs the poor. All I'm trying to ask is where will anyone get anything from after the politicians steal it all?

That's it for today folks.


1 comment:

  1. "The successful ones keep keep getting increasingly drained financially by the government"??? C'mon, Mike, get real. Capital gains tax rates are much lower than income taxes, and the "successful" have all those tax shelters too. The biggest companies move their profits (and factories) offshore and pay no taxes at all. After WWII the marginal tax rate on the wealthy was 90 percent, and nobody lost their incentive make even more money. Yet all you right-wingers can do is whine about the marginal tax rate going from 34 to 36 like it's the end of the world. And yet you want to fund a war machine that's more powerful than the rest of the world's armies combined, and you want to bomb significant portions of the the world into oblivion because you are wet-your-pants scared of a boogeyman with a plane ticket and a box cutter. Get real.
