Friday, March 26, 2010

BloggeRhythms 3/26/2010

Still pondering the weight of yesterday's burden placed on my shoulders by a friend who reads my entries and expressed interest in what's been written therein. I think I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that, if people have a serious interest in my jottings, those jottings should be worthy of the time taken to read them and the subjects discussed should have some intellectual value.

Consequently, today's blog will address the recent advances in differential calculus and what this means in regard to quantum theories formerly, in my opinion, treated haphazardly by professors emeritus from MIT. After that, we'll talk about why particular chemical formulations have a nascent effect on laboratory animals, but cause totally different reactions in humans, especially when administered above the 49th parallel, late at night.

Only kidding. I'm not going to write about the above. And anyway, it wasn't the 49th parallel, it was the 39th. I just wanted to see if anyone out there would catch it. Ha Ha.

All kidding aside, though, I might as well write about the stuff listed above, because unless I'm missing something in the news, there's just not a whole lot going on that's of any Earth shaking interest to me. I did, however, hear something this morning about the President traveling somewhere to "sell " his health care program. So, my question is, if this deal has been done and all that's left is a Senate rubber stamp after slam dunk conference committee agreements, what's left to sell and to whom?

Lastly, of course there's the continuing saga of my trying to get my continuing saga (figure that one out) into print. Yesterday I was closer than I've ever been to publication and was looking forward to showing up on bookstore shelves once more rather soon. Alas, my optimism was premature. Right now it's back to the drawing boards to get program compatibility between my graphic output and a publisher's specifications for receiving input.

It seems my output and their input are at odds, and they're out of sorts with my output of displeasure at their inability to input my output, so I'm presently out and about trying to gain some output input so I can put out my input in a way that they can input it into their system.

The above is about as clear as their instruction manual.

That's it for today folks.


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